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Mother of JJ HALL p...
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Mother of JJ HALL pass away

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Mother pass away friday ,She had been in the nursing home for a year and more this time . She had 10 children and loss 1 the rest will be here to day for the frist time in 14 years .3 girls and 6 boys of course we are getting older now . I made MoM a MARINE just a couple years ago with a popasmoke hat and all. Funny that they ask if she was in the service,and some said no ,and THEN a couple of us and Dad said well in away she did cuz she raise6
boy's and 4 serve during VeitNam. 3 of us was in VietNam around the same time(crossing path's) I was Marine aircrewC/C and others in Army . So she started our training I would say . Bless and keep MoM as she did us oh God for all those letters she sent us . MoM will be put to rest at 11am this day of april 19-2006, she was 86 years young . Thanks for all that will read and share with me and the family in this day . GOD SPEED .

Posted : 2006-04-19 05:48