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MGySgt George T. Cu...
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MGySgt George T. Curtis

70 Posts
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It is my sad duty to report the death of POPASMOKE V.P. and my good friend George Curtis this past weekend.

Burial with full military honors will be held at Highland cemetery in Norwood, Massachusetts on Monday 9/26 at 10 am.


Reception to follow at the Norwood VFW Post at 11 am.


Posted : 2005-09-19 09:57
Lucky The Dog
Posts: 17
Active Member

Semper Fi, George

It's at times like this when one wishes they could come up with the right words to express the great sadness we all feel upon hearing such bad news. I guess just speaking from the heart is the best I can hope to do.

For many reunions, and on the website, George has always been one of the guys you could count on to ensure that the job got done, and done right...a reflection I am sure of how he approached challenges he dealt with in the Marine Corps, Vietnam, etc. His dedicated work ethic behind the scenes for "Pop A Smoke" was well known by those who worked with him. He never sought out recognition for what he did, he just got the mission accomplished with a tremendously deep commitment to his fellow Marines. The organization has truly lost one of its best. Pictured below is our webmaster Wally Beddoe and "Curt" at the 2002 Reunion in Pensacola.

This is a terrible, tragic loss. Semper Fi, George...we will meet again.

Roger Herman

Attached files

Posted : 2005-09-19 11:42
Posts: 128
Estimable Member

To George

When I logged onto Popasmoke this morning I saw the post in the obituary column about George Curtis, I had the feeling of "Oh God, let it be a mistake." But I'm afraid it isn't.

Over the years I received many pictures from Curt, to work on with Photoshop to see if I could improve them. I took a quick look through my files and found these 3 showing him as a young sergeant/crew chief. I know there are others. I never served with Curt, so I have no pictures I took myself. I always intended to take his picture at Re-unions in his "coat of many colors" but he was such a mobile fireball, I couldn't get him to stand still while he was in range. I am glad to see that Wally had his picture taken with George.

We often exchanged emails, with him saying, "Can you tone that down a bit". I remember when someone made a personal attack on me, George rode to the rescue, putting the attacker firmly in his place. I got the idea where he stood in the hierarchy of this country when my daughter, who works as a physicist at Lincoln Labs was getting her security clearance. Because I was born in England I drew the attention of the Security watchdogs. "He knows Marine Corps Lt General Karamarkavich", she said. "Oh yes", they said, "anyone else". "Master Gunnery Sergeant Curtis". Now that means something", they said. He can easily BS a General but no-one BSs a USMC senior NCO".

Goodbye George. You were one of the best. My heart goes out to your family and my prayers are with you.

You shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary you nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember you.

Attached files


Posted : 2005-09-19 12:57
Posts: 115
Estimable Member

On George Curtis

I cannot recall attending a single reunion at which George Curtis was not busy as hell selflessly working on Popasmoke business while we were all walking around shopping and visiting. This is a really big loss for the organization. One only has to look through each discussion string and see just how much this man did for us. He was always around to answer questions and provide information. Tough, tough man to lose.

Prayers and kind wishes to his family and close friends.


Posted : 2005-09-19 14:30
Posts: 97
Trusted Member

I never got to meet George, but he always answered my questions.

Will miss you George.

Hand salute ready two.

Semper Fi,

Posted : 2005-09-19 17:15
Posts: 0
New Member


Although I never met George, I felt like I knew him. So many parts of this site have his finger prints all over them. He truly was a glue that helped bind us together and will be sorely missed. One can only imagine the load he took of Wally in the everyday transactions on this site. George let Chesty know we're carrying on!!! Semper Fi

Randy Monroe
Sgt HML-167

Posted : 2005-09-19 17:48
Posts: 125
Estimable Member

RTB George Curtis

Through the exchanged emails and from the few times when we spoke, he always impressed me as all "Marine", and that is how I will remember him.

God Speed and Semper Fi -

Posted : 2005-09-19 18:05
Posts: 0
New Member

Final Flight

Hope the final flight is smooth ,you will be sorely missed by many. A large load for your friend Wally! God Speed , SF PM

Posted : 2005-09-19 18:20
Posts: 162
Estimable Member

For the Curtis Family

You loaned us a hard working Marine who for many years made a tremendous difference in the Marine Corps and later here at the USMC Combat Helicopter Association in every way. He ran the "visual website" with much effort, and tremendous success. He went out of his way to answer inquiries of anyone, Marine or otherwise, on our Notam Board. He contributed significantly as Vice President and Board Member of Popasmoke.

You can be proud of his contributions, as we were dependent on them. We will miss him, and will look forward to greeting him one fine day on those Marine guarded "streets of heaven".

Here's a hearty farewell to you, brother,

Posted : 2005-09-19 18:27
Posts: 0
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As I read of the passing of George, I like everyone was shocked and sadden. What a tragic loss not only for our organization but for his family and close friends . He will be truly missed.


Gary Alls
HMM-263 ‘66-‘67

Posted : 2005-09-19 19:08
Posts: 128
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For George

A few more I found

Attached files


Posted : 2005-09-19 20:11
Posts: 10
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I am at a total loss as to what to say about my friend, neighbor and consumate Marine MGSgt. George "Curt" Curtis! George contacted me a few years ago to let me know a fellow HMM-363 crewmate lived in the same town and what a coincidence that was. I met him a short time later at the wake of another family friend and fellow Marine who had died unexpectedly. From there we shared many memories of serving in the same squadron, he arriving in country for the first time right after I had left. The knowledge and stamina this man had was phenomenal. We enjoyed each others company in P-Cola in 2002. Had a blast, even though he worked a lot in Reno in 2004. Drove him and the Grand Marshall in the Caddy with the top down in the local Memorial Day parade this year and he loved it. Said sure beats marching on a hot day! Now this close friend and fellow Marine is gone and I can not begin to tell you the loss I feel about the empty seat beside me. This organization has lost a truly Great Man and a Marine of exceptional calibre. My deepest sympathy to his family, friends and most of all us. Semper Fi my brother, please stand guard over us all as the brightest light in God's Kingdom. Peace Marine, Budster!!

Posted : 2005-09-19 20:26
Posts: 1
New Member

A life time of dedication

My deepest condolences to George's family.

I remember when George came to HML367 in Phu Bai. I was told by older, very experienced Marines at the time that "he was back". They said he was excellent, experienced, and an asset to the squadron. My experiences with George proved them correct.

Years later as a civilian, I met an old friend from Phu Bai. I mentioned George's name and immediately the person said, "Oh, yeah! I know George well. He taught me so much."

When I finally joined Pop-a-Smoke and subsequently had questions, George was, as usual, an invaluable resource.

God speed, George.

Mike Spain

Posted : 2005-09-19 20:30
Cpl Ski
Posts: 4
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Can't find the words

To say that Curt will be missed would be the understatement of the decade. God bless and safe journey,

Cpl Ski

Posted : 2005-09-19 21:02
Posts: 42
Eminent Member

Hell of a Marine

I never had the pleasure of meeting Mgsgt Curtis in person, but like many here on the website, he answered many of my questions. I served in HMM-261, and was at New River in the early 80's when he was stationed there. I found out that I knew a lot of the same Marines he did. My prayers go out to him and his family. This makes what I went through with Hurricane Katrina seem small and insignificant, puts it all into persepective. It is a sad day indeed. Semper Fi Top, and Gods speed.

Chris Breaux
Garfield 411
UH-1N and CH-53D
Crew Chief


UH-1N and CH-53D


Posted : 2005-09-19 22:01
Mike Mullen
Posts: 65
Trusted Member

Curt's passing...

I had the good fortune of meeting Curt for the first time at the Reunion...after corresponding with him for a long time at Popasmoke....he was a large part of the heart and the mind of Popasmoke.....his command of Marine Corps history was impressive, and his love of the Corps, inspiring. His spirit will always be with us, and his memory will make him a huge part of our brotherhood in the future...as long as we are this side of eternity.

Semper Fidelis my brother; we will all meet again.


Posted : 2005-09-19 22:32
mark behnke
Posts: 9
Active Member

My thoughts are with George's family.

Such a lost to the organization. George was a true Marine that had love for his family and his Corps. After leaveing Vietnam, I had not seen George until the reunion in Reno. He had changed very little, still dedicated to his duty and the Corps. It was my pleasure to have served with such a great Marine.

Semper Fi, George

Mark Behnke
HML 367 69/70

Posted : 2005-09-19 23:06
Posts: 128
Estimable Member

More about George

I've been thinking about George all day, remembering the many things about the man, most amusing, some not. I remember when there was a dicussion on Popasmoke as to whether the H-46 could water taxi. There was more than one picture on Popasmoke of the H-46 taking a dive below the waves. George emailed me and asked me what the answer was. I replied that the bird could water taxi, in fact I attached pictures to prove it. But you had better make sure the ramp seals were intact. I got a one sentence email back from George which said "Why have you not posted this to Popasmoke". George took his role as an instructor seriously and made sure that I did too.

If I got interesting photo assignments I would send him copies. One he particularly liked was a concert by a very leggy pop star called "Ashanti". I pointed out that it only looked like I was on the stage with her, I was actually about 100 meters away, using a 600mm lens. George said "Right, I could protest all I wanted to, he admired the way I volunteered for the tough jobs".

I covered a USMC Reserve transport unit being called to active duty. The CO, a Lt Col, and the Sergeant Major were both lawyers, working for the same law firm. The SM was the managing partner and the CO quite a lot junior. The SM said that he had the best job in the unit and had no desire to be an officer. George agreed with him

George, nobody is going to be able to fill the hole you've just left.


Posted : 2005-09-19 23:47
Posts: 24
Eminent Member


So, here it is.

I knew George, briefly, but I did have the honor- online- to speak to him. It crushed me to know that someone I personally knew from this site is gone.

It was my dream to finally soon, get to meet everyone here in person at a reunion. I guess the reunion date with myself and George will be the Big One. That is fine...but, it saddens me in my a selfish way....ohhh,...for I know him as a loving and a smart soul.....the earth is void one less totally valuable human being.

The Angel picked her favorite man .....How can we Deny Her?

George....I hardly knew ye.....

Guess I will see you soon enough...

Semper Fidelis

to the rest of you...

Cindi/aka Kabal.

Posted : 2005-09-20 00:29
Posts: 3
New Member

I am at a loss for words other than my condolences to the Curtis Family and Curt's friend's. George was my Maintenance Chief in '364 in the mid '80's when the squadron was reactivated. He was instrumental in training me as a crewchief, mech and as a Marine. He was great leader who cared about his Marines, he demanded a lot, but gave you back twice as much. Curt, you will be missed. God Bless.

Joe Kelly
HMM-364 '85-89

Posted : 2005-09-20 08:31
Posts: 2
New Member

All Marine

This is a sad day in our history. George was all Marine and got the mission accomplished on every occasion. With men like this our organization succeeded beyond anyone's dreams. He will be missed and as President Reagan said:

"Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering
if they've made a difference. The Marines don't
have that problem."

Semper Fi, George and rest in peace

Posted : 2005-09-20 09:55
Posts: 118
Estimable Member

Mgysgt George Curtis

'WE' had our disagreements, but George was always "ON TOP', he knew his business, he knew the corps, he knew how to be "VP'. He was a true "MARINE' in all sence of the word, George will be missed. SEMPER FIDELIS are words he lived buy.

**GySgt [J.D.] MACK McKernan {Retired}**

{VMO-6, Quang Tri} **{Mar69-Mar70}**🙂

Posted : 2005-09-20 19:28
Posts: 11
Active Member

Top Curtis - A Fine Marine

I was truly saddened to learn of Curt's untimely death.

George was always on hand to help with PopASmoke and HMM-363 issues. The visions of Vietnam section of our website is a memorable testament to his hard work and dedication.

George provided words of comfort to a close friend whose son (a Cobra Pilot) was killed in Iraq and worked with him to secure additional information.

He was the epitomy of a "fine" Marine.

God bless and keep you Curt.

Posted : 2005-09-21 10:58
Bill Weaver
Posts: 33
Eminent Member

Semper Fidelis my brother---Go with God.

Posted : 2005-09-21 13:06
George T Curtis Jr.
Posts: 3
New Member

I would like to thank everyone for all the kind words about my father.

He loved the Marine Corps and popasmoke and it was the greatest joy in his life for the last 5 years to be able to help so many Marines, corpsman and families. He was proud of what the site had become and he had great respect for all of you.

I spoke at length with Wally a few times on the telephone in the last few days and I cannot thank him enough for all the emotional support. It means alot. Budster dropped by the house last night as well and had a nice chat with my mother and I, and I hope to see him again soon. Everyone has been so supportive and believe me, it means alot. one of these days when my mother is ready, I will let her read through this thread as I am sure she will be proud (as I am) to read what an impact he had on so many of you.

He left quite a legacy behind here and I know he will be proud as he watches it continue to grow. In the coming days I'm going to be digging through his photos and as I find them I will continue to share them with all of you, his brothers (and sisters).

Many people have asked if they could donate or send flowers and cards... my mother has asked not to send any flowers (since they die so easily). We are thinking about establishing some kind of a fund or scholorship in his name, but we haven't quite decided what yet. When we made any concrete decisions, I will be sure to let you all know.

Our home address is as follows:

58 A highview Street
Norwood, MA 02062

For those of you who would like to read the obituary, here is a link:


There is also a guest book for people to leave messages, either for my father or for my family. Please feel free to sign it - I know my mother and I will be happy to see how many other people who were touched by my dad.


Thanks again for everything. My father was proud to be a Marine and extremely proud of his work here at popasmoke. If I can do anything, answer any questions or help with travel arrangements for those of you who may be attending the services, please feel free to email or call me:


Semper Fi

George T Curtis Jr.

Posted : 2005-09-21 14:25
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