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Loss of another Bro...
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Loss of another Brother

2 Posts
2 Users
Posts: 550
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It is with sad tidings that I have to report that another Lucky Red Lion has fallen.

From Violet Kelleher:

Dear Mr. Powell,
I don't know if you knew Joe while he was in the squadron, but he had made his reservations for the reunion and was looking forward to seeing all of you.

Unfortunately, Joe was diagnosed with metastatic cancer to many places in
June and was undergoing chemotherapy, so he cancelled his plans.

Joe died quietly at home On September 12. 2007. If you know of anyone who might remember Joe's time in View Nam, please let them know, and if there are any kind of archives to notify, if you would please let me know I'll take care of it.

Thank you.


Violet Kelleher
9919 Burgundy Bay St.
Orlando, FL 32817
PH: 407 671 8845

Posted : 2007-09-25 23:36
Posts: 64
Trusted Member

Joe came to us as a brand new 20 year old 2nd Lt. early 1968. As I remember, he done well and made Hac quickly. He served HMM-363 well and throughout his career, believe he received approximately 44 or 45 air medals. Went on to retire from the Corps as Major. Many were expecting to see him and his lovely wife at our Pensacola Gathering. Was sadly missed. Our best wishes and prayers go out to his family. God Bless.
Larry Powell

Posted : 2007-09-26 18:57