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Joseph J. Randall, ...
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Joseph J. Randall, Jr.

1 Posts
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Joe Randall died suddenly in Greensboro, NC on Friday, Feb. 23, 2007. He is survived by his wife Lee in Greensboro, and family in his hometown of Norwood, MA.

After cremation, funeral (no burial) will be in Norwood, MA later this week. Note: see change, below.

Joe served a tour in-country as a grunt with 1/9 and after return CONUS and OCS and flight training, returned as a '46 pilot. Despite my harassment of him, he didn't let the fact that he was Army trained deter him.

After active duty, he managed to milk the system long enough flying '53s to gain retirement from USMCR as a LtCol. Joe was a full-time Marine and part-time hippie, a good man who'd give you his life or the shirt off his back. He loved the Corps; anything after that was wandering. His life was the Marine Corps, and his passion was theoretical physics.

Will be solidifying arrangements tomorrow.

Organ Room
UNC Greensboro
Greensboro, NC
Thurs. Mar. 8 @ 2 PM
full Marine Corps honors
no interment (cremation)


Posted : 2007-02-25 22:23