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Johnny Cash
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Johnny Cash

2 Posts
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John T Murphy
Posts: 2
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Johnny Cash passing brought back a few memories of squadron parties during the 60's with his music playing in the background.

Also the 94' Pensacola reunion when the " monsoon" forced the beach party inside. As I recall Roger Herman was attempting to quiet the group so he could complete a "phone patch". At one point he got so frustrated with the rowdy crowd he offered to "step outside" with anyone who would not "shut the F*** up". Just before the connection was completed a voice from the back of the room yelled "better not be that a**-hole Clinton".
Anyway the phone call was from Johnny Cash thanking us for our service and talking about his recording of Roll On, that described the Viet Nam experience as it affected many of us. Semper Fi Johnny............We will miss you.

John Murphy
Hostage Lima 68/69

Posted : 2003-09-13 12:47
Lucky The Dog
Posts: 17
Active Member

John - Like you, I was very saddened to hear about the loss of Johnny Cash. As soon as I heard the news, I also reflected back on our first reunion in Pensacola in '94.

Harvey Bell was our reunion coordinator for that get together, and was related to Johnny Cash. The song "Drive On" had just been released by him, and it didn't take long to realize that we needed to adopt that as our organization's theme song. Harvey mentioned that he thought he could set up the phone call that you refer to. I told him I was all for it. Harvey deserves all of the credit for making it happen that night.

So, in the middle of a near hurricane, inside that small building on the beach, Johnny Cash called us. I enjoyed my short conversation with him and I know that he enjoyed talking to our group. He always supported the Vietnam vet. It's a memory I will always look back on with a smile...although, as you mentioned, I was ready to kick a few loud-mouthed drunk's asses that night. But as Johnny sang in his song, "...it don't mean nothin."

See 'ya in Reno, where I have a feeling that you might just hear and see a lot more about Pensacola and all of our other previous reunions since the first one we put together in '86 in Las Vegas. There were just a half dozen of us at that first one. We've come a long way.

Drive On,

Roger Herman

Posted : 2003-09-14 10:50