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John Mrak
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John Mrak

3 Posts
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From Mike Mrak at chase4379@yahoo.com

Per the wishes of Master Gunnery Sergeant John Mrak, I as his son wish to inform you he passed away on February 4, 2015 and will be laid to rest on February 11,2015.

Posted : 2015-02-08 22:12
Posts: 3132
Active Members

Re: John Mrak

RIP Top Mrak.....

Posted : 2015-02-09 07:02
Posts: 6
Active Member

Re: John Mrak

John and I met back in 1972. We were assigned to HMM-161 at the Tustin LTA. John was the Maintenance Chief or Maintenance Control Chief. I was Avionics NCOIC. We were both members the Elks Lodge 2444 in Mission Viejo, CA. John lived a mile down the street from me.

I met John's wife, Mary, long ago along with his children when they were small. We would meet at the Staff Club on Fridays for dinner, drinks and conversation.

HMM-161 deployed to WestPac in 1978. I was transferred to a non flying unit due to back injuries. We lost track of each other after the deployment.

We met up again in the mid 90s when we ran into each other at the Elks Lodge. We renewed our friendship and met occasionally on Fridays for dinner. This was right up to sometime early last year.

I read about John's passing in the Lodge monthly newsletter and now here with Popasmoke. I'm saddened by his death. John was a good man, husband, father and a great Marine. I will miss his friendship. Semper Fi, John.

Bob Torres

Posted : 2015-04-07 17:35