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HMH-361 Memorial Se...
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HMH-361 Memorial Service

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Recveived from Brian Baker:


Gentlemen / Ladies / Marines,

Sending this to the sponsors, the 361 email list, and some of those HMH-361 Marines deployed in Iraq. Attended the 361 Memorial Service today. Roger Herman and I were there, along with Ron Hatton, and several other vets. Will try to give you a sense of the ceremony.

It was blustery and raining. Low clouds scudding over the base and Chapel. When Roger and I arrived, we were invited by Maj Gilden to meet with the families. We did so in one of the study rooms adjacent to the Chapel. We met with Chris Alaniz' wife, mother, sister, and other friends, Lyle Gordon's wife and father, SSgt. Kimbles mother and sister, and LCpl Hernandez' mother and father. What to say? We extended our heartfelt condolences and grief, and told them of the 361 "family" they were now in. We told them of all of you and that your hearts and prayers were with them. It was touching, poignent, and I felt helpless and at a loss for words.

The Chapel is large. Seats approx. 350. Every seat was filled, and both side aisles were three deep with those standing. Easily 450+ in attendance. The organist was playing Ave Maria as we awaited the service to begin. On the dias were flower arrangements, from the wives, MAG-16, The Association, and 361 vets.

Opening remarks were made by LtCol Arruda, with a tribute to the flight crew. Eulogies were given by friends of each of the families. A Chaplain provided several prayers during the service, as well as a "memorial message", the jist of which tried to make sense of the concept of why bad things happen to good people! Such incidents are part and parcel of the warrior class I guess. Still doesn't make it any easier to digest.

They then "Called the Roll" reading the names of all those, flight crew and Charlie Company, that died that day, punctuating each name read, by the tolling of a bell. Somber, each bell stroke was like a forlorn exclamation of loss.

Following the Benediction, Bag pipes played the Marine Corps Hymm, followed by a rifle volly, then Taps, echoed by a second bugle. I cried, as did most of those there. Brothers lost, but never to be forgotten. It was a beautiful service, we sent them on their way to Valhalla in true Marine Corp fashion.

As you know, there were (24) names on our 361 Memoral we unveiled at the reunion in Reno. Little did any of us imagine, that one of our new members, Chris Alaniz, who shared himself with us, would be included in that Memorial, less than a year later. I'm adding all (4) crewmember's names. Chris and the others will always be with us. May God Bless you all.

Semper Fi,


Posted : 2005-02-12 09:38
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HMM-361 Memroial Service


While driving home from the service yesterday I tried to think of the words to describe to our members what I had just witnessed. They did not come. I have the thoughts in my heart of what I felt but could not put them into words.
Thank you for doing so. All HMM-361 members and all Popasmoke members would have been proud of the service.


Gary Alls
HMM-263 '66-'67

Posted : 2005-02-12 15:43
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HMM-361 Memorial at Miramar

This item was in the Orange County Register.

S/F Gary

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Marines honored

The Associated Press

SAN DIEGO Four Marines who died in a helicopter crash that claimed 31 lives in Iraq - the single deadliest incident of the war - were honored Friday at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar.

More than 500 mourners, most wearing green camouflage fatigues, packed into Airman Memorial Chapel under steady rain for the one-hour memorial. Large photographs of the dead were placed at the altar behind four M-16 rifles, each with a pilot helmet over the butt.

Although the men were stationed in San Diego, all were born or raised in Texas and had never forgot their roots, friends said. The men, along with 26 Hawaii-based Marines and a Navy medic, were killed when their helicopter crashed Jan. 26 during a fierce sandstorm near the Syrian border.

Posted : 2005-02-14 23:43
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HMM-361 Memorial

Due to my lack of computer savy I was unable to attach this part with the top story. Hope itcome thru.

S/F Gary

SHRINE: Military gear from four Marines killed in a Jan. 26 helicopter crash in Iraq serves as a memorial during services Friday at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar.
Don Boomer, The Associated Press

Who they were

Capt. Paul Christopher Alaniz

Age: 32

Left behind: Wife, Thelma.

Remembered as: a sure-footed man and avid reader who knew he was the best-dressed in any room.

Capt. Lyle L. Gordon

Age: 30

Remembered as: a man who loved his Ford F-350 pickup truck and pressed Wrangler jeans.

"Lyle stayed true to himself," said Marine Capt. Paul Lee. "Hewas always comfortable just the way he was. He didn't feel the need to change."

Lance Cpl. Tony L. Hernandez

Age: 22

Remembered as: A lover of Texas. "He carried the Texas flag everywhere he went," said Jenni Garavaglia. "Tony really, really loved Texas. ... God bless Tony, and God bless Texas."

Staff Sgt. Dexter S. Kimble

Age: 20

Remembered as: a man who died doing what he loved - being a Marine.

"He may have been a bit headstrong, but I always admired that he held true to his beliefs," said Master Sgt. Daniel Villanueva.

Posted : 2005-02-14 23:50
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JD, Gary
Thanks for the post. Our Brothers will live on in our Hearts and Minds forever. I too would be at a lost for words at such a time. As "JD" said trying to make sense of why bad things happen to good folks just does click in my mind. Ot's all the more diffcult when talking to a family and friends of someone who was just lost. This war has more support of family, friends and the public than ours did, I really would be hard pressed in our days to try and tell this to one of them back then.
Again thanks for giving the family and fiends our prayers and regards.
May our fallen Marines and Sailor Guard Heaven well. You will be remember and you sacfrice was not in Vain.
Semper Fi

top A

Posted : 2005-02-15 01:20