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GySgt. Paul Maynard
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GySgt. Paul Maynard

17 Posts
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It is my sad duty to report the passing of a good friend and outstanding Marine, GySgt. Paul Maynard, USMC Retired. Paul had been in a battle with lung cancer (AO) for this past year. Part of one lung had been surgically removed and he had undergone three different sessions of chemotherapy and was just now finishing up two weeks of radiation. I last spoke with him Christmas Eve Day and he collapsed Christmas Eve evening. Going on his last mission at 9:40 p.m. Wednesday evening the 26th.

Paul joined the Corps in 1951 and immediately was sent to Korea as a mud Marine participating in several battles in the Punchbowl area. After Korea, he went on embassy duty and then transitioned to the air wing as a helicopter mechanic. He served in Vietnam in 64/65 with HMM-365 and again in 67/68 with HMM-363, retiring in 1972.

Surviving are his wife, Naomi, and two sons, Michael and Mitch. They were at Paul's side when he passed. Our hearts and prayers go out to them.

Funeral services will be Monday, Dec. 31, 2007, 10:00 a.m. at:
Huson Funeral Home
7700 Highway 107
Sherwood, Arkansas 72120

Condolences may be sent to the Maynard family at:
34 Sheila Drive
Sherwood, AR 72120

Paul, Naomi, Mitch and their granddaughter had joined us this past September at Pensacola for our Red Lion Gathering. Sure glad we were able to see him one more time. He will be dearly missed.

Larry "Pops" Powell

Posted : 2007-12-27 16:51
I.D. Maze
Posts: 1
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Paul Maynard

I was sad to hear my friend Paul Maynard passed away. I served with Paul in HMM 365 and HMM 363 as fellow crew chief. Paul will always be remembered as a dedicated crew member and a dear friend. My wife and I always enjoyed being with Paul and his wife during our many reunions. Paul had a way of making everything fun. I.D. Maze

Posted : 2007-12-27 20:40
Frank D. Bermudez
Posts: 29
Eminent Member

Paul Maynard

Sorry to hear of the passing of Paul Maynard. A Marine that always spoke his mind but kept everything in prespective. He will be missed.



Posted : 2007-12-28 10:50
Posts: 550
Honorable Member

From an email to HMM-363 website!

From Tim "Grumpy" Mistic:

As a Patriot Guard Ride Captain, I wish to express my condolences concerning your fallen comrade.

I happened to find your web site by searching the web for GySgt Paul Maynard and discovered that he was attached to your unit in Viet Nam.

We will be Standing a Flag Line and Escorting GySgt Maynard to his final resting place.

We are Honored to Show our Respect and Gratitude to this Highly Decorated Marine and American Hero.

Attached is a link to postings on the Patriot Guard Riders website concerning his Final Journey

I thought You may wish to post this information to your site for your members to see

Again, My condolences on your loss and my Thanks to All of the men of this unit that sacraficed so much in the preservation of Freedom.

May God Bless each and every one of you

Tim "grumpy" Mistric

Central arkansas Ride Captain

Patriot Guard Riders of Arkansas




Posted : 2007-12-28 15:18
Posts: 64
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Thought I might share one of my memories of Paul during our stay in Vietnam, Our squadron 363 had taken up residence at wonderful Phu Bi in the early spring of 68. Where it came from, I don't know, but we ended up with a full size refrigerator. We blocked off half of one hooch and created our own private staff NCO club. About that time, our CO put out an order that no beer or other alcoholic beverages were to be transported in his helicopters. Now Paul stewed over this for a couple days, you know, cold refrigerator, hot weather, and NO beer. So Paul took it upon himself after collecting money from all of us to venture down to DaNang. Two days later, a CH-53 taxied into our flight line area, their ramp dropped and here was Paul with two pallets of beer. What a wonderful sight! But then, while beer was being loaded onto the ordinance trailer, the CO was approaching. Paul smartly called the beer detail to attention, saluted the CO and stated loud and clear "Sir, before you get too upset, I want you to know, that not one damn can of this beer flew on your aircraft". After a quiet moment, the CO saluted him back and stated "Well, I'm glad to see you are following orders Gunny".
The CO appeared okay and that night,we had a refrigerator full of cold beer and a lot of spares. Paul had a way of putting the old saying, Adapt and Overcome, to his own use. Damn good Marine!
Semper Fi,
Larry "Pops" Powell

Posted : 2007-12-29 18:58
John Hodge
Posts: 17
Active Member

GySgt. Paul Maynard

I didn't have the honor of knowing the Gunny personally, he sounds like a Marine's Marine and it's my loss for not knowing him. I know this world is in need of GOOD men. He will be missed, but the Lord needs good men on the "other" side too. May he be greeted with "Job well done, Marine!" "Welcome home!"

Because Frank Pence asked me for the Gunny's E-mail address today, which I didn't have, I have been able to assist the family in obtaining Marines to be Pall Bearers and Marine guards at his funeral this coming Monday. As usual, a lot of Marines are dropping what they're doing to make sure to escort this fine Marine home, which according to Michael, his son, was his last and final request!

Go with Gods speed Marine. May God bless your family, as he already has for those that knew GySgt. Paul Maynard!

Semper Fi Gunny

Semper Fi


Now is the time to stand fast in our faith and on our principles. . .

John [Hodge] Nicholson

Posted : 2007-12-29 19:20
John Hodge
Posts: 17
Active Member

Paul Maynard - I need immediate help - PLEASE

My last post was, apparently, premature: :mad::mad:

OPEN CALL TO ARMS - HELP!!! 🙁 :confused: :confused:


this is John Nicholson of HMH-462. I understand that you served with and knew Paul Maynard, I did not. However, I have become involved in trying to help his family with his funeral. I need your IMMEDIATE help. He is being buried tomorrow (Monday). His last wishes were that MARINES be his pall bearers and handlers at the church and graveside for this event. Due to the war, a holiday weekend and lack of Marines in the Little Rock, AR area we have not been able to find enough Marines to accomplish this request. I realize this is EXTREMELY short notice but I need your help. We need to look under every rock and pull every plug to make this happen for him, and his family.

I have never been a part of arranging anything like this before so I'm at a total loss of where to look, who to call (that hasn't already been called), or who to talk to to make this happen for this career Marine. Please call me on my personal cell phone at 720-363-9855 to help me figure this out.

Of course if you don't get this email until Monday, that will be too late, but please let me know that you have received this message and please send condolences to the family.

I have been talking to Michael, his son and he is becoming very anxious that this won't happen for his Dad. Michael's phone (cell) number is: 972-984-0057and Paul's home number is: 501-835-7723 where Michael and the family can be reached too.

I am not willing to believe that we can not make this impossible task happen, even on such short notice. Thanks. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Semper Fi 🙂
John Nicholson (Hodge)
RVN 69-70

Semper Fi


Now is the time to stand fast in our faith and on our principles. . .

John [Hodge] Nicholson

Posted : 2007-12-30 16:29
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Marines Needed

The squadron coordinators should have addresses for people near Little Rock.

Posted : 2007-12-30 17:56
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I just sent a mass e-mail out with John's request for pall bearers.

Posted : 2007-12-30 21:28
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Patriot Guard Riders!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Dec 30, 2007 9:41 PM
Subject: Re: POPASMOKE - Pall Bearers for GySgt Maynard
To: webmaster@popasmoke.com

If we cannot muster Marines for this duty, don't forget the Patriot Guard Riders. www.patriotguard.org

No shit. When I had a motorcycle, I rode with these men. PGR respects and rides for all who served. They just need an invitation. We have carried caskets, also. We do what ever is needed, out of respect.


Posted : 2007-12-30 21:47
Posts: 0
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Dec 30, 2007 10:27 PM
Subject: Re: POPASMOKE - Pall Bearers for GySgt Maynard
To: Wally Popasmoke Beddo


Where and at what time is the funeral?

What major airlines fly into Little Rock?

If I can get a Marine bagpiper to Little Rock from Key West in time, can you have someone pick him up at the airport? The earliest I can get the Marine bagpiper to Little Rock appears to be 14:25 (2:25 p.m). Is that too late for the funeral?

Semper Fi!

John Borman

Posted : 2007-12-30 23:04
Posts: 0
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Patriot Guard

From the Patriot Guard Website Forum:


Gunnery Sgt. Paul Gordon Maynard, USMC (retired) of Sherwood, Arkansas
Gunny Maynard Served 21 years during both the Korean and Viet Nam Conflicts and his family has requested our participation at his Visitation and Funeral Service

Mission Information:

This will be a Two Part Mission with a Flag Line at the Visitation and Funeral Escort.

Saturday, December 29, 2007 4:30 PM
At the Huson Funeral Home parking lot. 7700 JFK, North Little Rock, Ar

We will stand a flag line at the entrance to honor this veteran and hero.

Monday, December 31, 2007 09:15 AM
At Runyan Acres 1st Baptist Church - 10611 Jacksonville Cato Road, No. Little Rock, Ar.

Funeral Services are 10:00 AM, Monday, December 31, 2007 at Runyan Acres 1st Baptist Church with a Flag Line and we will Escort Gunnery Sgt Maynard to his Final Restiing Place at the Arkansas Veterans Cemetery in North Little Rock, Ar.

Flag line and final salute at the interment site

Tim "Grumpy" Mistric is RC for this mission.


Tim "grumpy" Mistric
Central Arkansas Ride Captain


Posted : 2007-12-30 23:09
Posts: 550
Honorable Member

Re: GySgt Paul Maynard

From Tim Mistric of the Patriot Guard:

GySgt Paul Maynard was Laid to Rest today and I am Attaching my Final Report on this mission and you may post it as deem appropriate.

one note that was not actually in the report was the fact that we were unable to secure a Marine Corps Funeral Detail sufficient to provide Pall Bearers. The fact of the matter is that our local Marine Reserve Unit is currently deployed and their ranks on the homefront are very low.

I explained this to GySgt Maynards family and altho they were a bit disappointed, completely understood that the current conflict abroad has drained our military ranks at home. They additionally expressed appreciation that American Patriots have stepped in to assist in their time of loss..

Again Thank You and your comrads for your gift of our freedom and may each and every one of you have a happy and prosperous New Year

here is my mission complete report


GySgt Paul Gordon Maynard USMC (Ret.) was Laid To Rest today with Honor and Respect at the Arkansas Veterans Cemetery in North Little Rock, Arkansas.

Funeral Service was held at Runyan Acres 1st Baptist Church.

Approximately 30 PGR members manned Flag Lines at the church and Cemetery to Honor this Highly Decorated Defender of Freedom and American Hero of the Korean and Viet Nam Eras. more than 20 motorcycles and cages escorted the procession from the church to the tranquil site of his Final Resting Place. The Patriot Guard Riders also served as Pall Bearers at the cemetery.

The Hot Springs VFW Honor Guard honored GySgt with renderings of the Marine Corps Hymn and Taps as well as the Final Salute of a Gun Volley by their Rifle Team.

A Marine Corps Honors Detail presented the American Flag to his widow.

My Thanks to RC's Mark "Camel" Taylor and Jeff "Hulk" Hulsizer as well as Staff at Huson Funeral Home for their assistance and attention to detail.

I also thank the dedicated members who braved the chilly morning ride to honor this American Marine Corps Veteran.

Most importantly, I wish to thank family of GySgt Maynard for inviting us to share their Final Farewell to their cherished Husband, Father and Hero.

GySgt Maynard may now Rest In Peace with the eternal knowlege that his Service and Sacrafice in the Defense of Freedom will forever be appreciated and remembered.


Tim (Grumpy) Mistric
Central Arkansas Ride Captain
Patriot Guard Riders of Arkansas
LI2 USN 75-79
PGR member #44300

Riding in Loving Memory and Honor of
Louis A. Quinones 1894-1988 WWI Army Medical Corps (grandfather)
Lawrence L. Mistric 1922-2002 WWII-Korea-VietNam Army-Air Force Ret. (father)
Francis L. Mistric 1925-2006 WIA-WWII-1945 (uncle)
Mary Kinnen Mistric 1927-2007 WWII Army Nurses Corps (aunt)
Lewis A. Webb 1949-2006 VietNam Navy (brother-in-law)

Posted : 2007-12-31 23:10
Posts: 550
Honorable Member

Re: Graveside Ceremony for Paul G Maynard

Email from Brook and Jim "Mac" McCallum:

Dear Grumpy and the Little Rock area Patriot Guard,

On behalf of HMM-363 and Pop-a-Smoke we would like to THANK YOU and the fellow members of Patriot Guard Riders for the "Rapid Response" to the void left by the Marines in the Little Rock area being deployed in the current war on Terrorism with the Paul Maynard Grave side services that your Organization provided on such short notice. Your efforts in accomplishing this mission can only be classed as exemplary and, above and beyond the call.

Your dedication to our fallen Brother is greatly appreciated.


Brook Stevenson and Jim McCallum on behalf of the squadron

Semper Fi

Posted : 2008-01-02 12:25
Posts: 0
New Member

great marine

I had the great honor of serving with Paul in hmh-462 at LTA in the early 60's. saw him and Naomi at the reunions,we payed golf in Little rock ,will miss him a bunch.semper fi Paul,Almus

Posted : 2008-01-14 20:53
Posts: 0
New Member

Was Paul a D.I.?

Does anyone know if Paul was a D.I. in '55? Gerald wants to know.


Wall, I graduated in Oct. 1955 from MCRD San Diego, Plt. #254 (Honor Plt). Our Sr. DI was S/SGT Paul A. Maynard. Again, thanks for the help

Posted : 2009-05-26 21:21
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

Rest peacefully my friend

I knew an outstanding GySgt P. Maynard when I was with HMX-1 68-72. His Knowledge, expertise and Mechanical skills were equal to none. My condolences and prayers to the family for their loss of an outstanding Marine and Man. We seem to be losing too many of our rank lately. Their legacy will live on through web sites like this. I hope God appreciates all the outstanding men that make up his Honor Guard....R/S Bill McMillian

Posted : 2009-05-27 08:58