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Gunny Nick's Obituary

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On 4 Jan 09 Ralph Nicholas, Gy Sgt. USMC RET' D s/n 825608/6481, HMM-163 in country. Left us for the Celestial LineShack for a fresh cup of coffee...GUNNY NICK as he was known was a WW 11, KOREAN, AND RVN veteran, he became enlisted AirCrew qualified in 1943, he won the 03 Springfield rifle in Pcola for this qualification date....He served in various Helo Sqdn's during his career and was my Section leader in HMR(L) 162 in the fifties...he had two passions , his beloved Corps and his Irish Setters and devoted a lot of energy to both...He was a former member of Popasmoke. HE WAS A GOOD MARINE AND WILL BE MISSED!!!!!!

Burt Palmer

Posted : 2009-01-21 23:21