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Gunny D --- Don Dew...
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Gunny D --- Don Dewitt

22 Posts
4 Users
Mike Amtower
Posts: 285
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Don Passed yesterday afternoon around 3 PM.
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 15:31:21 -0500
Subject: Regarding Donald Dewitt

Happy Birthday Marines. Today has always been a special day but it is more
so now. Donald passed away a short while ago. He asked several times over
the last few days what the date was. He was waiting to hear the words
“Happy Birthday Marine” one last time. One of the last words he spoke was
OORAH. He dedicated his life to this country and I know that he has touched
each of you in a very special way. The Marine Corps was his life so I know
that he will be proud to have the date 10 November on his headstone. I
would like to thank each and every one of you for the part you played in his
life. I must go now to have the birthday cake we ordered for him, he would
want us to still celebrate.

The above message from Don's daughter Cindi.

It seems only appropriate that Don waited to leave on November 10th.

I missed his call on our Birthday yesterday, as he did it every year. My
phone would ring, and there would be Don!

Here's a pic of he and I, with Bob Crapser in the bg at P-Cola Beach in 2002.

The three of us made the "center fold" of the PAS newsletter with that pic.

Attached files

Posted : 2010-11-11 09:56
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Godspeed and "OORAH!", Gunny

Posted : 2010-11-11 10:00
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Carolyn Corliss

Got a message that Carolyn Corliss passed Nov 7th, she was the wife of Greg Corliss (retired general) who was XO & CO HMM-262 66-67. TAPS to Carolyn.

Posted : 2010-11-11 10:24
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Gunny Dewitt

I am sad to hear of Dons Passing. Glad he was able to make it until yeaterday, and get to say the,'OOH RAH', again for the last time. My Prayers are for Him, and his Family. Semper Fi, Gunny, be with God. S,F.

Posted : 2010-11-11 14:55
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Carolyn Corliss

Tim, I am saddened too by the info of Carolyn Corliss Passing. I feel she was most pleased with her Husband Gen.Corliss, and suported him completely. Prayers for the Family are outbound. Semper Fi.

Posted : 2010-11-11 15:05
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Gunny Dee

I'm sorry to hear of Gunny Dee's passing, always a gentleman. We've lost another one of the good guys.

Semper Fi Gunny

Posted : 2010-11-11 20:29
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Gunny Dee

It is sad, as with Gunny Dewitt, that many of us are getting to the age that we can be called at any time. It apears that out of 10 passing, at least 7 will be at age 55 or less. Locally it has been that way for some time now. Explanations are, none. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-11-11 20:39
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I too will miss the Gunny's 'Oohrah! Happy Birthday Marine' call that came each November 10th. The Corps was his life and his legacy. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. Oohrah and Semper Fi Gunny De.

Posted : 2010-11-11 20:44
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Gunny Dee

God speed to Gunny Dee. As a rookie LT. in HMH 463 getting ready to embark to Marble, Gunny Dee was a great teacher.
My prayers to his family.

Larry Wert

Posted : 2010-11-11 20:46
Mike Amtower
Posts: 285
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Gunny D

I talked to Cindi's daughter, Don's grand daughter, and had a nice conversation
yesterday morning.

I just called the number stored in my cell phone and she picked up.

I told her that I sent some pics to Don's e-mail addy, including some of an '06
fishing trip out in the Gulf of Mexico. As some of you probably know, Don was
an avid fisherman.

I'd lived on the Gulf for nearly 40 years and it took Don's bidding to get me
out there.

It was after the '06 Reunion in FW.

Attached files

Posted : 2010-11-12 05:24
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Gunny D

Mike, its Great The Gunny was able to get you out for a Fishing trip. That was a priceless trip for you, and Gunny. Thank you for sending the Pics to his Family, and Posting them. Have a good one. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-11-12 10:10
Mike Amtower
Posts: 285
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Gunny D

We need to keep this one active for a bit longer, so that more might see it.

Don will be sorely missed.

Posted : 2010-11-14 06:03
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Gunny D

Mike, I agree there. Even if its just a few views each day. He would like that. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-11-14 18:39
Mike Amtower
Posts: 285
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.... back to the top

Posted : 2010-11-16 05:20
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Pensocola 2002

Mike that one had a lot of Marines and their Family there. Glad Gunny was able to be there, and see a number of Marine Brothers. Semper Fi, Gunny.

Posted : 2010-11-16 10:24
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timothy;29400 wrote: Got a message that Carolyn Corliss passed Nov 7th, she was the wife of Greg Corliss (retired general) who was XO & CO HMM-262 66-67. TAPS to Carolyn.

Sorry to hear that TIM ,but I'm so glad that you have pass it on to US. Thanks friend........... Prayer going up for the Family> God Speed

Posted : 2010-11-16 23:39
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Carolyn Corliss

JJ, it was sad to hear from Tim, of the Generals Wife Passing. I would hope by now the Services have been held and all. Some are blessed to have a long life, and others are not. None of us know. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-11-16 23:49
Mike Amtower
Posts: 285
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... back on top again ......

Posted : 2010-11-18 14:32
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Back on top again

Mike, believe thats the way Gunny would want it. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-11-18 18:45
Mike Amtower
Posts: 285
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One more time .....

One more time .....

Posted : 2010-11-23 05:03
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One more time

Mike, there has ben 602 views, thats good. It'd be nice if they knew him to leave a small note. 19 of those. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-11-23 08:40
Mike Amtower
Posts: 285
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Re: Gunny D --- Don Dewitt

I'm impressed!

Over 1500 visits to Don's obit.

I just dropped in to see how it was doing as I was thinking of him.

Thanks, Marines!

Semper Fi!

Posted : 2011-08-17 10:28