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From email via Allyn Hinton

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Posts: 550
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From Mrs William "Bill" Blair:

RE: HML-167 2008 Reunion

This is a hard note to write, my husband, Bill Blair, 870 Paradise Alley Rd., Felton, DE 19943, passed away Feb. 24, 2007. (His obituary is attached)

This reunion is one he would have looked forward to and made plans to go. The Marine Corp was his pride and character. Bill’s service memories were only shard with a few, those close and who respected the mission, not for those who just wanted a “good war story”. Bill taught his family (wife, son and daughter) the qualities that were his life, the Marine Corp Values. He is greatly missed, but honored in wonderful memories we hold so dear.


William Blair’s wife,
Mrs. Donna Blair

William A. Blair (HML-167)
William A. Blair

William A. Blair, 57

FELTON — William A. Blair of Felton died Saturday, Feb. 24, 2007, in his home; surrounded by the loving family he cared so much for. Mr. Blair had battled his final war against Cancer fiercely to the end. The cancer a result of his service to his country and extensive exposure to “Agent Orange”. Mr. Blair was born in Dover, son of Alice Marie Blair and the late Archie Blair. He served his country proudly in the U.S. Marines during the Vietnam War, where he spent 18 months in the country. Upon discharge from the Marines, he went to work for General Food of Dover where he spent the next 20 years, starting out as a janitor and working his way up to a senior supervisor. Upon his retirement from General Foods Mr. Blair joined the Air Force Reserves where he was the security manager for the Dover Air Force Base. To this day, he is still the highest decorated serviceman at the air base with 5 Bronze Stars, 33 Air Medals, and numerous Purple Hearts, which he had denied. Mr. Blair believed many other soldiers deserved those Purple Hearts over himself. Mr. Blair was a diehard Marine. He lived and modeled his life after the Marine Corps values. Honor and integrity were the foundations of his life, as well as his God and country. His word was his bond, and you could take his word to the bank. He was never afraid to approach his commanders and tell them they were wrong and that they needed to apologize to their men, and oftentimes they would. He never backed down, and even denied promotions, because he stuck to his beliefs and values. He always saw both sides of a conflict. When approached to remedy a situation, he would ask, "What's the point, and what are you prepared to do! Are you a part of the solution, or the problem”. When asked by his employees “Is this good enough," you would hear him reply “If you have to ask then, No its not!” And his most quotable statement “I know you hear me, But are you listening”.

In his spare time, Mr. Blair enjoyed going to auctions, hunting, and passing on the joy of marksmanship to his family. He further enjoyed studying history, especially the history of the U.S. Constitution, and political issues. He was a firm believer of the Constitution and the ideas and values associated with the Constitution and this country. He believed in keeping God in the Constitution and "In God We Trust." Mr. Blair was a member of the NRA, DAV, and VFW. Mr. Blair will be remembered as a man of honor, integrity, and honesty. His love of the Marine Corps, God, country, and family were second to none, and he will be missed dearly by his loving family. Mr. Blair never complained or condemned his country for his illness; he would just reply, “I only did my part, far better men, the real heroes never came home.”

In addition to his father, three brothers, Frank Blair, Bob Blair and Sam Blair, preceded him in death.

He is survived by his mother, Alice Marie Blair of Dover; his loving wife of 34 years, Donna A. Blair of Felton; his son and daughter-in-law, Aaron C. and Cindy L. (Marshall) Blair of Felton; his daughter and son-in-law, Jamie D. and Charlie R Reed III of Felton; eight brothers and sisters, Chuck Blair of Marydel, Wayne Sapp of Viola, Danny Blair of Dover, Jean Diane Aiken of Felton, Joan M. Buxton of Dover, Deanie J. Buxton of Royal, Arkansas, Doris M. Carey of Shannon, Pa. and Rose Bennett of Chicago; and the sparkle of his eye his grandson, Charles R. "Chas" Reed IV.

Attached files

Posted : 2008-06-17 19:50