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Exquisite Syntropy
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Exquisite Syntropy

1 Posts
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Posts: 189
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A stranger handed me this in 1984, I believe this is only an excerpt;

How Little I Know
Within the order of evolution as usually drawn,
life occurred as a series of fortuitous probabilities in the primeval sea.
It could have been sent or radiated there. That is, the primal code, or angle,
and frequency-modulated signals could have been transmitted from a remote, stellar location. It seems more likely (in view of the continuous rediscovery of humans as fully organized beings at ever more remote historical periods!) that the inanimate structural pattern integrity which we call human being, was a frequency-modulated code message, beamed at Earth from a remote location. Man as prime organizing “principle” construct pattern integrity was radiated here from the stars—not as a primal cell but as a fully articulated high order being possibly as the synergetic totality of all the gravitation and radiation effects of all the stars in our galaxy and from all the adjacent galaxies with some weak effects and some strong effects, and from all time. And pattern itself being weightless, the life integrities are apparently inherently immortal. You and I are essential functions of universe. We are exquisite syntropy. I’ll be seeing you forever.

--Buckminster Fuller

I cannot find a copy of the poem in its entirety on the web, but it is definitely worth finding and reading. I found/find comfort in this.

Posted : 2007-11-29 18:50