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Ernesto Gooie Gomez...
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Ernesto Gooie Gomez, USMC Navy Cross Recipient

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From: COMPRISETV3@aol.com
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 9:20 AM
Subject: Another Warrior Gone


It is with heavy heart that I pass on the sad news that we have all lost a dear friend, and a legend in the Marine helicopter community.

I just receive a call from Carleen Gomez, notifying me that Ernesto "Gooie" Gomez, USMC Navy Cross Recipient, ( Khe Sanh ) passed in his sleep last night.

All aboard this mailing is a "Short List".

Please pass the word.

At this moment, "Gooie" is in Mission, Texas.

He will be transported either to Kerrville, Texas, his home, or to California, near his sons.

His wishes were to be interned in Arlington.

I will keep you informed as best I can, as plans develop.

I have many calls to make, and anyone with any information that may help Carleen and myself, move the arrangements along, please call me.

Best to All, and, Semper Fi !

Norm "Frenchy" LaFountaine

More on Gomez' History:
Carleen and "Gooie" Gomez

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Posted : 2007-10-23 14:56
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There are no words that can express the feeling of deep saddest for the passing of Ernesto "Gooie" Gomez. I never called him Ernesto, it was always Gooie Gomez. From Memphis and the Drill Team there to New River and HMM-262 to Vietnam, he was nothing more than one of the best friends that anyone could have.

Gooie has taken his last flight and has returned to his home base. You're smile is missed. There will be a toast at the Marine Corps League Ball in Connecticut to you. You will never be forgotten.

My condolences to Carleen and the rest of his family. You are not walking this road by yourselves. We have also lost a member of our family -- a Brother, Friend and Marine.

Semper Fi - My Brother

Posted : 2007-10-23 21:15
Posts: 125
Estimable Member

Semfper Fi my Brother...

Sam, Gooie and I were together from Memphis to HMM-262, in New River and off to Vietnam. We have lost a dear friend and a faithful Brother who will be sorely missed.

Gooie was always full of jokes, witticisms and surprises. One of my favorite Gooie moments started at the 2002 Popasmoke Reunion in Pensacola. On the night of our Squadron Dinner, our Guest Speaker was an Old Tiger of ours, Lt.Gen. Mike "Rifle" DeLong, at the time the #2 in CENTCOM under Army Gen. Tommy Franks. He had just spoken about how he had recently presided over a promotion ceremony for a list of officers from the Coalition forces. Gooie walked up to the podium, Navy Cross on one lapel, L/Cpl chevrons on the other. Handing a very expensive bottle of Tequila to DeLong he asked: "Can you make me an Officer, too?"

Delong responded: "Sure why not. What do you want to be?

Gooie answered: "A Captain of Marines!"

The following year at our Squadron Reunion in New Orleans, our Guest Speaker was the Asst. Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen William "Spider" Nyland. During his address he called Lance Corporal Enesto Gomez to the podium. He produced a set of Captains Bars (obtained through some serious collaboration of Gooie's wife, Carleen, and others) and promptly pinned them next to the L/Cpl cheverons announcing:

"I hereby promote you Lance Corporal/Captain Ernesto Gomez"

Gooie got a standing ovation and his smile lit up the entire room.

Rest in Peace my Brother. I will miss you tremedously.


Posted : 2007-10-24 09:57
Posts: 592
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A mutual friend of ours told me yesterday that Gooie was lobbying to be promoted to LCpl/Major. You are right, he will be missed by all.

Posted : 2007-10-24 10:23
Posts: 4415
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I was as shocked as everybody else that Gooie has left us. I was looking forward to reuniting with him again next year at the Pop-A-Smoke reunion in DC. Gooie will be missed by all his HMM-262 "Brothers". Gooie was always fun to be around now I have to wait until I get to the gates to see him again. Rest in Peace my "Brother" TAPS.
Semper Fi,

Posted : 2007-10-24 13:11
Posts: 162
Estimable Member

GOOIE to Arlington National Cemetary

Dear Friends and Family:

It is with great sorrow that on Tuesday, October 22, 2007 at
approximately 4:00 am cst; while serving with the Minutemen Border
Watch in Mission, Texas; Ernesto "Gooie" Gomez passed away in his sleep
and entered glory!!!

We are so thankful for the many calls and e-mails of love and support
that have been pouring in!! We are realizing how many lives he has
touched! As there probably are many names missing from the sent list,
it would be appreciated if you could pass this information on to those.

We'd like to keep everyone posted on the service arrangements for Mr.

Memorial Service on Saturday, October 27, 2007 at 10:00 am at Grimes
Funeral/Chapel 728 Jefferson Kerrville, TX with a reception to follow
at the First Baptist Church 65 Washington Kerrville, TX

Interment will take place at Arlington National Cemetary in Washington
D.C. on Monday, November 26, 2007 at 11:00 am

In lieu of flowers we would ask that you please send a donation instead
to the First Baptist Church Troop Fund in Ernesto's name; Mr and Mrs
Gomez have been helping with this fund to get support boxes to our
troops who currently serve overseas in Iraq - First Baptist Church 65
Washington Kerrville, TX 78028 257-5033 Troops

THANK YOU to everyone for your condolences and would appreciate it if
you could send further condolences in an e-mail or letter, but should
you need further information call Israel Gomez at 714.926.6817 or
Gabriel Gomez at 619.204.6701

Posted : 2007-10-25 10:49
Posts: 14
Active Member

We have lost a great one

My name is Stephanie Hanson. My father was a corpsman KIA on a medevac mission with the Purple Foxes on 2/7/69. When I began my quest 11 years ago to find out what had happened, Gooie was one of the first to come forward. He ended up being 1 of only 3 Foxes who had an actual memory of my father (he was KIA his first day flying). Gooie and Carleen "adopted" me and I have been so blessed to be a part of their family.

A few years ago, I went to Southern California and stayed with them. Gooie got us an invitation to see a graduation at MCRD San Diego (I had not been able to attend my brother's graduation in 1990). Gooie knew the base commander at the time - BGen Jay Paxton. Not only did Gooie get us seats on the platform (instead of the bleachers) but he landed me the seat next to Gen Paxton - an honor that truly should have been Gooie's. But Gooie was truly one of the most unselfish people I have ever known and he knew how much the experience would mean to me.

The next day we went to visit the current Purple Foxes at Camp Pendleton. On our tour, we went to the hangar full of birds. Gooie was staring at one of them, and then silently left the "pathway" and walked over to it. We could see him fingering the material that patched over bullet holes. (He told us later that he thought he had flown in that very bird in Vietnam and had taken fire.)

The Captain who was giving us the tour looked over at me and whispered (somewhat nervously), "He's not supposed to be over there...."

I looked at him and asked, "Do YOU want to be the one to tell him that?"

I sure wasn't going to. He had earned every moment he wanted with that CH-46.

I know that my father (along with many other Marines) welcomed Gooie with open arms on Tuesday and gave him a great big hug for taking such good care of his little girl. What a reunion those jarheads must be having up there!

Gooie - you will never be forgotten...

Semper Fi,

Attached files

Posted : 2007-10-25 11:47
Posts: 1
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With Deepest Sympathy to Carleen and family. Our prayers are with you. Kim and Neil Allen

Posted : 2007-10-25 12:46
Posts: 21
Eminent Member

I want Carleen and her family to know they are in our prayers as another Old Tiger is called home to meet all the other Tigers on that Golden Shore. Googie spent nearly a week with me last year . I enjoyed his company and will miss him very much at the next reunion. Good by my friend L/Cpl Capt. Ernesto Gomez USMC Semper Fi Walt

Posted : 2007-10-26 15:17
Posts: 125
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L/CPL-CAPT Gooie Gomez

Here are a couple of pictures of Gooie's promotion ceremony

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Posted : 2007-10-27 09:07
Posts: 39
Eminent Member

Ernesto's Last Flight

Just returned home from the ceremony, while there I met several members of the association. Gooey also had a large assembly of his motorcycle club in attendance. It was the largest meeting of "wings" I have seen outside of our reunions. VFW Post 1480 had a very nice memorial for Gooey also. He will be missed by a very large number of folks. Charlie Baker HMM-163

charlie baker

Posted : 2007-10-27 17:00
Posts: 592
Honorable Member

More from Frenchy


Background on Ernesto "Gooie" Gomez.

Gooie supported the Semper Fi Fund, for Wounded Warriors out in San Antonio.
Visiting with, and encouraging the wounded, was one of Gooie's forte's.

I'll FWD more as time goes on.

There are a number of Vets groups, nationally, that will be exposed to American, and the Indy Fund, if we can get American to fly Gooie and his family to Arlington.

Two Marine Sqn Assn's are kicking in to dissipate any and all, expenses that Gooie's family may encounter for his internment at Arlington.

I have a few more details to discuss with his family so that I may have all the necessary information to relay to you on Monday.

The sooner we can get the family secure in their knowing that all is locked on, the sooner they will feel some comfort.

Thanks again, Steve & Luker, for getting on board.

I have copied in Lt Gen Fred McCorkle, USMC Ret, Lt Col Dave Althoff, USMC Ret, and Maj Frank Gulledge, who served with Gooie in HMM-262 and HMM-364, and Larry Zok, representing the USMC COMBAT HELICOPTER ASSN.
They will inform their respective groups on progress being made.

Semper Fi, All !

Norm "Frenchy" LaFountaine
9810 Indian Ford Rd
Milton, FL 32570

Posted : 2007-10-28 16:02
Posts: 1
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A Special Marine

Although I did not serve with Gooie in Viet Nam, I spent a lot of time with him at the reunions. I know a lot of the Tigers and Purple Foxes that he did serve with. As I came to know him over the last 10-12 years, I realized he was not only a highly decorated Marine, but a very special person.

I will miss him terribly. He personified the traditions and the values of the Corps as much as any Marine I have had the privilege to know.

On a lighter note, listening to Gooie tell the story of his promotion to LCpl/Capt (that Joe Jacobs related) had folks "rolling on the floors". Once he pulled that off, his sincere goal was to make it to LCpl/Major. The word unique comes to mind.

God speed, 'Neto.........................

HMM-364 (70-71) HMM-262 (710

Posted : 2007-10-28 23:07
Posts: 162
Estimable Member


Navy Cross Citation
Cpl Ernesto Gomez, USMC

For extraordinary heroism while serving with Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 262, in connection with operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. On 25 January 1968, Corporal Gomez was the Crew Chief aboard a CH-46 transport helicopter assigned an emergency medical evacuation mission on Hill 881 near the Khe Sanh Combat Base. The pilot proceeded to the designated area and landed in the zone as two Marines began leading a casualty, whose head and eyes were covered with bandages, toward the helicopter. When the entire landing zone was subjected to intense enemy fire, the two men were forced to drop to the ground. Observing the blindfolded casualty attempting to reach the aircraft unassisted, Corporal Gomez Gomez unhesitatingly left the helicopter and rushed across the 25 meters of fire-swept terrain to the side of the injured man. Quickly pulling the Marine to the ground, he selflessly used his own body to shield his comrade from the hostile fire impacting around them, and as the enemy fire continued, he took cover with the casualty in a nearby rocket crater. Corporal Gomez remained in this exposed area until another crew member rushed to his assistance. Then the two Marines, protecting their wounded comrade from further injury, carried him to the helicopter. The pilot was quickly informed that the injured Marine was aboard, and the aircraft lifted from the hazardous area for the medical facility at Khe Sanh. Corporal Gomez's heroic actions were instrumental in saving his companion's life and inspired all who observed him. By his courage, selfless concern for the safety of his fellow Marine, and unswerving devotion to duty at great personal risk, he upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service.

Posted : 2007-10-29 12:29
Posts: 90
Trusted Member


Gooie was a great Warrior and Marine. We were both in HMM-262, but I came at a later time. Too bad, I would have loved to have been in the fight with him. I first met him at the 1998 reunion in Pensacola, FL. Since then we have had some great times in the following reunions. I moved to the hill country here in Texas, not far from him, and we had further great times. We even went to the San Diego, CA Marine Corp Ball together with our wives (Carleen and Sue). My wife Sue and I will miss him greatly.

The one thing that stands out is his war stories. I have heard a lot of them at the reunions from a lot of Marines. I even threw in a couple myself. You see when he spoke about his war experiences everyone got very quite and intense in the air, so much so you could almost cut it with a knife. His experiences were unusual to say the least, many of you know what I mean, thus the name "Gooie." I can't think of any one in Vietnam that ever shot it out with pistols face to face with a NVA officer, yep, Gooie got him. Some of the other stories are too gruesome to speak, that is why it was quite when he spoke.

Besides being a great Warrior and Marine he had a big heart and displayed a lot of love for others, as some of you know who knew him. My wife and I attended his Memorial Service in Kerrville, a great sendoff Marine style. We also recently got back from the Marine Corp Ball in Marble Falls, TX, where he was supposed to speak, but Carleen stood in his place. She did a great job and Gooie would be proud of her, as we were. He will be missed by many, just to name some, family, friends, In Country Motorcycle Group, Purple Foxes, Flying Tigers, and other fellow Marines.

Posted : 2007-11-13 20:57
Posts: 592
Honorable Member

Good-bye Gooie

Gooie was laid to rest today at Arlington National Cemetary. The rain held off until after the ceremony, guess God liked Gooie. A number of Tigers, Purple Foxes and other squadrons were represented as well as some Active Duty Pilots and one Navy Air Crew First Class. Afterwards, no one wanted to leave Gooies site, just generally talking with the family and each other. Seems just about all had at least one Gooie story. It twas a fitting send off for one of our Heroes. Adios Gooie, God Bless

Posted : 2007-11-26 13:16
Posts: 4415
Famed Member

We'll miss our "Brother" Gooie, but know he'll always be with us and some day we'll join him. Good bye buddy. We hope to see the Gomez family our HMM-262 family join us at our reunion in DC next year.
Semper Fi,

Posted : 2007-11-26 17:28
Posts: 3132
Active Members


Thanks for the pics. "Gooie" was truly one of the "good guys"!

Posted : 2007-11-26 19:40
Posts: 2
New Member

Visiting GOOIE

Gooie and I flew together when I came over TAD from H&MS. We did
keep in touch and finally got back together @ P'cola. We kept saying
we were going to get together agaibut schedules intervened. I couldn't make it to the last 2 re-unions the timing wasn't right. We promised that whenever we got close, we would hook up, again, no deal. I was to meet him in TX when I got sent to NM, didn't happen. Then, when he went RTB
I was in Atlanta and couldn't get there. Well, now I'm finally in a place that we can meet up. I visit him regularly now and talk about the past. I sure do miss him(but he still can't have that jacket back!!!)

Posted : 2008-11-09 02:36
Posts: 4415
Famed Member


There are a couple of places you can visit Gooie in the DC area, at his grave-site in Arlington which is close to the admin building. I was at his funeral there and the Marines did a first class job, Gooie would have been proud! You can also go to the Marine Corps Museum in Quantico and stand in the rear outside the 46 on display there for a while and listen to him on the tape. It will bring tears of pride in knowing our buddy Gooie.

Posted : 2008-11-09 07:13
Posts: 2
New Member

Yes there are and I do... Spent 1 beautiful Autumn day in Arlington. Sat and talked , and even poured a beer over him.

Posted : 2008-11-09 17:11
Posts: 4415
Famed Member

That's cool Josty and I know Gooie would have appreciated that. I copied and pasted your last posts to Gooie's wife and she said she remembers you and passed them on to her sons. Happy Birthday Bro!

Posted : 2008-11-09 20:07
Posts: 13
Active Member

Leatherneck Article on Gooie Gomez

Beth Crumley has asked that I let everyone know that she has completed writing an extensive article on our own beloved crew chief, Gooie Gomez.

The six-page article will appear in the October issue of Leatherneck magazine. Go out and pick it up when it hits the newsstands Marines!

Semper Fi,

Kreig "Hip" Loftin
Squadron Historian, HMM-262 Combat Helicopter Association

Kreig "Hip" Loftin

HMM-262, Combat Helicopter Association

Posted : 2009-09-21 20:00
Posts: 4415
Famed Member

Thanks for the heads up Hippy, been getting Leatherneck for years and look forward to the article. Hope you can make Pop-A-Smoke Reunion in Reno next year, see ya there Bro.

Posted : 2009-09-21 20:10