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E. Ronald (Ron) Dur...
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E. Ronald (Ron) Durand (HMM-361)

1 Posts
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Barbara Durand
Date: Mar 5, 2007 1:56 PM
Subject: Death of Ron Durand
To: webmaster@popasmoke.com

On September 20, 2006, my brother, E. Ronald (Ron) Durand, lost his brief but ferocious battle with cancer and died at home surrounded by family. Ron was a Marine aviator who flew helicopters in Vietnam with HMM 361 and later flew in the Executive Flight Detachment HMX 1. For the last 8 years he lived in Phoenix where he started and developed a successful travel health company and enjoyed the friendship of old Marine buddies: Noel Levy (HMM361) and Colonel Tim Geraghty, USMC (retired).

Ron defined his life by family, the University of Notre Dame and the US Marine Corps. We were so proud to bury him at Arlington National Cemetery on November 22, 2006.

Barbara Durand
Phoenix, AZ

Posted : 2007-03-05 16:24