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Chuck Distaulo/from Stoney

5 Posts
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----- Original Message -----
From: Highboy1775
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2014 11:29 AM
Subject: Chuck Distaulo

HMM - 265 Squadron Mates, I'm sad to inform you that Chuck Distalo (aka Chucky D) committed suicide
this morning. A HML 161 friend Nat Balatto just called because he'd heard me mention that I knew Chuck. Reports are that he'd had several serious health problems (some probably brought on by Agent Orange) and that he finally just gave up. Please forward this to any 265ers your in touch with who would have of known Chuck.
Bless each of you and your families on this Easter Weekend.
SF, Larry

Posted : 2014-04-18 20:43
Posts: 4415
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Re: Chuck Distaulo/from Stoney


Posted : 2014-04-19 06:51
Posts: 0
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Re: Chuck Distaulo/from Stoney

Hearing these things just makes me Mad and then Sad at the same time. Just wishing someone would of been able to be there for him. Not that I'm saying no one was God Knows!
I would Strongly plead that WE all try to keep others in the loop, for we can all use a little help from a Friend .. God Bless You ALL and the family of Chuck...God Speed comfort to them. JJ

Posted : 2014-04-23 23:06
Posts: 2
New Member

Re: Chuck Distaulo/from Stoney

We just have to talk to each other when one of us is in that much trouble! It is sometimes not obvious, but when we have a concern, please get word to someone who may be able to reach out to them....professional, family, WHOEVER!



Posted : 2014-07-02 15:21
Posts: 0
New Member

Re: Chuck Distaulo/from Stoney

mike97432;39427 wrote: We just have to talk to each other when one of us is in that much trouble! It is sometimes not obvious, but when we have a concern, please get word to someone who may be able to reach out to them....professional, family, WHOEVER!



You hit it right on the mark !! It is very hard to break down those wall's most of us have put up to protect our selfs. God Be With Us ALL. JJ

Posted : 2014-07-08 14:56