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Capt. Tom Snee
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Capt. Tom Snee

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From: dkemna
Date: Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 11:26
Subject: Notice of return to base of Tom Snee

This is about the return to base of Capt. Tom Snee. Tom and I were in the same outfits at the same time from 1963 to 1967. After that I only saw him a few times but did keep in touch.I'll give you what info I know for sure-anything else would be speculation. Tom graduated from the University of Notre Dame. I'm not sure when he went to OCS. We both started Basic School at Quantico, Va. in September of 1963. He finished Basic School in March 1964 and started flight school in Pensacola, Fl. (we were both in the same basic school class and flight school class). After receiving his wings in August or September of 1965, he joined HMH 462 in Santa Anna, Ca. In May or June of 1966 (I'm not sure exactly when he left the States-he was already in 362 when I arrived in late June of 66.) he joined HMM 362 in RVN. While with 362 he received a purple heart. When he returned to the States in June or July of 1967, he was assigned to the training command in Pensacola, Fl where he instructed in helicopters for several years. Upon leaving active duty, he returned to New York City where he worked for pfizer chemical company as a chemical engineer until his retirement. He passed away on April 23, 2009 after a long struggle with cancer. He is survived by his wife Midge and a son (I'm sure about his wife's name and that he had a son, but I don't know if he had any other children.)

This is all that I can say about him for certain. Anything else would be speculation. Hopefully this will be of some help. He was a great guy with a wonderful dry wit. He served his country, Corps, and fellow Marines with honor.
Thank you for all that you do,
Dave Kemna USMCR (1963-1968)

Posted : 2009-06-17 11:31