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VMM-263 stands up
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VMM-263 stands up

16 Posts
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VMM-263 activation ceremony is 3 March 06.

Posted : 2006-02-09 08:55
Posts: 6
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YN-19 Goes to Stand Up

YN-19 will be attending the Stand Up March 3, 2006 This 34 served with HMM-263 in Nam.

Posted : 2006-02-21 07:40
Posts: 550
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Re: Y-19

Do you know the BuNo. of this A/C?

Posted : 2006-02-21 10:59
Posts: 97
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accs wrote: Do you know the BuNo. of this A/C?

If I am not mistaken it is 150570 for YN19.


Posted : 2006-02-21 11:08
Posts: 550
Honorable Member

Thanks Ryan..... another bird I have flown that is still with us.

681010 RVN HMM-363 USS Princeton

Posted : 2006-02-21 11:26
Posts: 27
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Back to topic, "Pctures", Pictures........

For those of us unable to attend...

Thanks in advance..... S/ F !!! JImmy 😀

JP YH-08 "Dimmer"

Posted : 2006-03-03 15:17
Posts: 1
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Thank you for making VMM-263's Stand-up Memorable

LtCol Paul Rock here - on behalf of VMM-263, I wanted to once again thank everyone involved with getting YN-19 on-site for the Re-designation Ceremony on Friday. You gents stole the show! The aircraft is absolutely, jaw-dropping impressive. Great work.

YN-19 is an awesome symbol of the heritage of HMM/VMM-263. We will do our best to live up to the standards that y'all have set for the Corps' assault aviators.

Stop by and visit again - it was great to meet you.

Thanks & Semper Fi,

Posted : 2006-03-05 12:17
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VMM-263 "Thunder Chickens"

This article was sent to me by a former member of HMM-263. Hope you find it of interest.

S/F Gary Alls
HMM-263 '66-'67

Subject: Squadron unfurls wings - March 04,2006

Squadron unfurls wings - March 04,2006
CHRIS MAZZOLINI - http://www.jdnews.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=39270&Section=News
It seems the osprey is mightier than the frog — and a bunch of chickens are ready to prove it.

The New River Air Station-based Marine squadron bearing the moniker “Thunder Chickens” rehatched with new and improved wings Friday as the first operational MV-22 Osprey squadron in the U.S. military.

Now known as Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 263, the Thunder Chickens returned to the incubator in June, standing down as a CH-46 “Battle Frog” squadron to begin training to fly and maintain the controversial Osprey, which can take off and land like a helicopter and fly like an airplane.

Now they are back; the squadron was redesignated Friday during an outdoor ceremony witnessed by a large chunk of Marine Corps brass at New River Air Station.

“This technology will have inestimable value to future presidents of the United States,” said Gen. Robert Magnus, the assistant commandant of the Marine Corps. “The price is very high for being slow; the price is very high for being poorly equipped, for not having enough combat power.”

The $71 million Osprey is billed as an aircraft that can fly faster and farther, carrying more troops and hauling more equipment than the Vietnam-era CH-46. The Marine Corps has already ordered 360 of the birds from its manufacturer, Bell-Boeing, with plans to replace its entire fleet of CH-46s, twin rotor helicopters.

But the Osprey’s rise has not been without bumps — and tragedy. In April 2000, a crash in Arizona killed 19 Marines, and a crash in Jacksonville killed four New River Marines eight months later. There was some fear the program would be abandoned.

But the Osprey made a comeback and passed its operational evaluation in summer 2005. Then in September, the Defense Department approved full scale production of the Osprey. VMM-263 is expected to be ready for combat deployment sometime in 2007.

But even on a celebratory day, Magnus said its important to remember those who lost their lives developing the “transformational” aircraft.

“Let us recognize those that have given their lives and helped make this day possible,” he said. “There is sacrifice in getting to where we are today. The truth is what we are in this business for is war fighting. Every casualty we take is tragic, but we know full well the cost of defense and peace.”

The Thunder Chickens’ new commander, Lt. Col. Paul Rock, called Friday’s ceremony the culmination of years of “visionary effort” by Corps and country. He said he was humbled and honored to be a commander and thrilled to get started.

“There’s a lot to be done to get the most out of this (aircraft),” he said. “We’re excited to put this machine to work.”

The pilots, crews and maintainers of VMM-263 have already been trained in the basics. Now that the Thunder Chickens are back in service, Rock said they will begin training to fly the Osprey in a tactical, combat environment.

“Our focus is we are the ones being trained to be deployed wherever the nation needs us,” he said. “We’ll continue to work on individual skills and more tactical and integrated operations.”

Maj. Gen. Thomas Moore, the commander of the 2nd Marine Air Wing, said he has every confidence that the Osprey is safe and battle ready.

“It’s absolutely safe,” he said. “I’ve been in the aircraft five times. I’ve got every confidence that when we start this aircraft up that the Marines working on it and turning wrenches on it have done their job.

“There’s an expectation that there will never be a problem with an aircraft and that’s not a realistic expectation. There are no aircraft in the U.S. military that is more safe than this aircraft.”

Despite the excitement over the aircraft, Magnus said the thing that truly matters hasn’t changed.

“What you are looking at here is the future of the Marine Corps,” he said. “And it’s not the aircraft. It’s the Marines. It’s the Marines, stupid

Posted : 2006-03-07 00:05
Darrell Asplund
Posts: 33
Eminent Member


Pretty damn cool! 😀

Semper Fi

I'd rather fly than walk!

Darrell Asplund

Posted : 2006-03-07 02:54
Posts: 1
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Pictures from the ceremony. Hopefully they work this time.

Attached files

Posted : 2006-03-07 20:23
Posts: 97
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Outstanding bro, thanks.

Posted : 2006-03-07 20:43
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ajweiss@34restoration.org
Date: Mar 12, 2006 9:23 PM
Subject: POPASMOKE Web Mail
To: webmaster@popasmoke.com

A link to the Marine Corps website about the 34 attending the VMM-263 Stand Up.


also www.newriver.usmc.mil click on Rotor View logo

Posted : 2006-03-13 16:53
Posts: 0
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VMM-263 "Thunder Chickens"

Thanks for the great pictures 😀 I know all of the 263 members will like them.

S/F Gary Alls
HMM-263 '66-'67

Posted : 2006-03-13 19:43
Posts: 6
Active Member

VMM263 Stand Up

A few more pictures from the VMM-263 Stand up. Picture of inside Osprey shows what a nightmare it is to work on. We were given the royal treatment by all the Marines at New River. It was a pleasure to bring YN-19 to the stand up. What is special to me is the log book shows HMM-361 transferred this aircraft to HMM-263 during the Vietnam War. And it was on hand for VMM263.

Attached files

Posted : 2006-03-15 15:18
Posts: 97
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ajweiss, outstanding. Thanks for sharing.

Semper Fi,

Posted : 2006-03-16 07:40
Posts: 27
Eminent Member


What Ryan said !!!


JP YH-08 "Dimmer"

Posted : 2006-03-28 15:22