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remote controlled model

8 Posts
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I'm designing a remote controlled model of the wonderful Osprey.
For me it is very difficult to get information especially details from the fuselage of this aircraft. Actally I have a prototype which is shown below.

Can you help me to get more information as detailled pics from around the fuselage, landing gear and so on. I would need this to make tha scale model (1:9) as oroginal as possible. The pics from the internet doesn't have a good resolution so see the
details good enough.

Thank you for your help


Norbert Schürz
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Posted : 2003-12-06 15:58
Posts: 28
Eminent Member

Try the NAVAIR website for the V-22 here: http://pma275.navair.navy.mil/

There are links on that page in addition to a gallery of photographs and fairly detailed specs.. Try also the manufacturers' sites.
Cool model-quite a challenge, I'd guess!


Semper Fidelis means Semper Fidelis

Posted : 2003-12-07 10:34
Posts: 4415
Famed Member

MV-22 Model

That is a cool model! Is there any news on the progress of the real machine. I haven't seen anything new for a while now?
Tim McMahon

Posted : 2004-06-11 20:54
Posts: 28
Eminent Member

Here's a quick update. The program has come a long way in the last couple of years.
OT-IIF began 18 May and is scheduled for approximately 120 hours and 2 months. As of 4 June, VMX-22 (the new dedicated tiltrotor operational test squadron, reporting to COMOPTEVFOR in Norfolk) has flown 28.7 hours in support of OT-IIF out of MCAS New River.
Components of the Integrated Test Team at NAS Pax, Edwards AFB, and the Bell facility at Amarillo have flown more than 1556 hours since the V-22 returned to flight on May 29, 2002.
High rate of descent testing finished up and recommended an expanded ROD envelope at low speed.
Winter testing in Nova Scotia gained the needed test results to optimize the automatic anti-icing system software, which will be integrated and re-tested next winter in Nova Scotia.

VMX-22 will complete OT-IIF in the next month or so, and will write a report while finalizing plans for OT-IIG. or OPEVAL II, which will begin next winter and will culminate with a major shipboard test sequence with six V-22s along with other typical MEU aircraft.

The V-22 program continues to exhibit all the signs of a healthy acquisition program, including open communications among the PMA, the operational testers, and the users, as well as OSD leadership. They are aggressively pursuing an event-based test program so that nothing happens before its time. The FMF at New River is taking delivery of modified aircraft somewhat slower than planned, but that's showing signs of improvement.


Semper Fidelis means Semper Fidelis

Posted : 2004-06-15 14:51
Posts: 4415
Famed Member


Thanks for the MV-22 update, sounds good.

Posted : 2004-06-15 18:31
Posts: 4
New Member

We've been flying a ton at VMX-22, at least 4 sorties daily. I am a prior -46 crew chief, now working on my 100-series T & R aircrew requirements on the Osprey. Its a great aircraft, very safe & reliable, and gives a great ride. The transition has been much easier than I thought, and most of us at VMM(T)-204 / VMX-22 are prior -46 guys. The Osprey will make a great replacement for our beloved Battle Phrog.

Posted : 2004-09-25 11:45
Posts: 4415
Famed Member


Do you have any pictures of that baby? I was in HMM-262 and we took the squadron to Vietnam from New River. A lot of our guys got transferred to HMM-164, some went to HMM-265, they were all great squadrons. Good luck with your new bird.
Tim McMahon HMM-262 65-67, HMM-162 68

Posted : 2004-09-25 14:04
Posts: 97
Trusted Member

Re: MV-22

Originally posted by timothy
Do you have any pictures of that baby?

Here you go, some pic's I took of No.14's tail art. Sept. 18, 2004 at MCAS New River NC.

Semper Fi,

Posted : 2004-09-27 14:24