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25 Osprey to fly at...
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25 Osprey to fly at once

6 Posts
4 Users
Posts: 21
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On Friday Aug 5th I was told that the Osprey squadron was going to put 25 of 27 in the air . As I left Jacksonville that morning I don't know if it came about or not. SF

Posted : 2005-08-07 14:37
Posts: 97
Trusted Member

walt99 wrote: On Friday Aug 5th I was told that the Osprey squadron was going to put 25 of 27 in the air . As I left Jacksonville that morning I don't know if it came about or not. SF

That was a no go, will try again soon....from a pilot in the unit.

Semper Fi,

Posted : 2005-08-08 16:54
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Send them to New Orleans instead!

Wonder why no Ospreys are involved in the New Orleans effort?

Posted : 2005-09-06 08:09
Posts: 97
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Frank T wrote: Wonder why no Ospreys are involved in the New Orleans effort?

It's not for the lack of wanting to help from the unit....the powers that be haven't given them the final ok for operational status is my understanding....say this where to happen next year - quite sure they would be there.

Posted : 2005-09-09 09:22
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V-22 in Louisiana

Sounds like a missed oppuotunity especially with all the coast to coast press on the situation there.

Don't understand why they still couldn't go in this Emergency. Their brand new aircraft and could shuttle people and cargo over twice as fast as anything there...even the "E"s.

It is safe for people isn't it?

SF :confused:

Posted : 2005-09-12 09:37
Posts: 28
Eminent Member

I just responded on this question on another thread. The Marine Corps offered; we were stiff-armed by the nincompoops at FEMA.


Semper Fidelis means Semper Fidelis

Posted : 2005-09-18 13:20