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Where you in Phu Bai area July to September of 1969

5 Posts
4 Users
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I am looking for anyone who was in the Phu Bai area from July 69 to Sept. 1969. I was a truck driver with MAG36 and was all over the place, often in convoys sometimes alone on the roads. When we where on the road we were often under fire and a constant moving target. can you help me verify this?
My truck was hit by mortar fire.
Our base at Phu Bai was also attacked on a regular basis.
I remember being in the bunkers with the large rats. Can anyone verify that?
I will gladly forward a copy of my stressors to anyone who was there and can attest to the events, because many events are too gruesome to post here.
Please check with your buddies that are not on this site. I sent another letter a few days ago, but thought I would try again.
Semper Fidelis
Daren Larson

Posted : 2004-07-12 18:22
Posts: 896
Prominent Member

easy to do, contact me at


Semper Fidelis
George T. Curtis
Master Gunnery Sergeant
USMC Retired 66-91

HMM-363 UH-34D Crew Chief 67-68 (LCPL)
HML-367 UH-1E Huey Gunships Crew Chief 68-69 (CPL.)
HML-367 AH-1G & J Cobra Quality assurance 69-70 -71(SGT.)
HMM-364 CH-46 (MAG orders) gunner 70 (SGT.)


HMM-261 UH-1N Crew Chief, CH-46 Crew Chief (MSGT)

George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2004-07-12 18:30
Mike Zacker
Posts: 4
New Member

I was there

Ooh-Rah Leatherneck,
I was a Sgt/SSgt with HMM-362 at Phu Bai in 1969. The Rats WERE big. They were also confirmed VC. We had a H&MS-36 SSgt by the name of Carrisoza (sp?)who lost the tip of his thumb to one after falling asleep with a touch of C-ration cheese on his thumb from a midnight snack.
I also remember a recovery mission for one of our HMM-362 UH-34D's that had gone down in northern I Corps. After hooking the lifting pendant from the hovering CH-53, I had to catch a ride back down to Quang Tri on a "six-by" and it was a hairy ride...low and slow.
Semper Fi,
Mike Zacker
Twice Ugly (Angel)
SgtMaj.USMC (Ret)

Posted : 2004-08-26 17:06
Posts: 2
New Member

I left Phu Bai Feb 1968. Was part of H&MS36 and HMM164.
Can anyone tell me if the "Rotundra" was still around in 1969?
It was the electronic repair area made up of several trailers connected in the middle. I help build the "Rotundra" and personally painted the sign outside.


Posted : 2004-12-25 13:04
Mike Zacker
Posts: 4
New Member

Hi E.J.
I was the Night Work Center 620 chief after HMM-362 folded our colors in 1969. I was involved in packing The Rotunda and the rest of the H&MS-36 Avionics complex up, moving everything to the waterfront at Hue, loading it all onto "LCU's", sailing down to "Red Beach" at Da Nang, loading it aboard the LKA Union and sailing with it through a typhoon to White Beach, Okinawa. We then trucked everything to MCAS Fatiuma(sp?) where we put it all back together and were opperational within a month (early December, 1969).
Semper Fi,
Mike Zacker
USMC (Ret)

Posted : 2004-12-25 16:20