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Veterans' Memorial in Lewistown, Montana

1 Posts
1 Users
Hostage "Pig"
Posts: 1
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Friends, Fellow Marines, Brothers,
The city of Lewistown, Montana is well along in building a Veterans Memorial. As current
Commandant of the local Marine Corps League, I've been asked to get a message out for
The Memorial design incorporates statues of representatives of each of the armed services
as well as a statue to honor women who have directly supported our military. A final
statue that is proposed will display a widow with small children looking on toward the
service members who are standing facing three flag poles. The flags include, the US Flag,
a Montana Flag and a POW/MIA Flag.
Currently we are working with the Memorial Committee for our Marine statue image. We
need images, photos or otherwise, to present details to the bronze casting artist,
representing a young Marine Sergeant in "Dress Greens" from the Korean era. Though
ribbons will not be in color some idea of pertinent ribbons and badges for the era are
needed. Exact details of appropriate shoes are needed as well.
This will be, to the best of our knowledge and research, the only representation of a
Marine at a memorial in the state of Montana, a state that has a number of veterans
memorials. Lewistown is right in the center of the state a great location for this memorial.
Of course, since these statues cost approximately $15,000.00 each, we also need money.
Anyone so inclined to support this memorial may use the following contacts.
For contributions to be credited to the Marine Corps League please contact:
Greg J. Hargadon
Cmdt. Charles E. Marshall Detachment MCL
1097 North Jenni Rd.
Lewistown, MT 59457
Ph. 406-538-3839
If anyone prefers to make a contribution directly to the Memorial they may contact the
committee chairman,
Tom Killham
Veterans Memorial Park
PO Box 852
Lewistown, MT 59457
Ph. 406-538-5603
Any contribution of $1000.00 or more merits that donors name on a plaque at the
memorial. Our League detachment already has several hundred dollars collected from
local donors for the project and would like to get together enough to be listed as a donor.
Of course if anyone wants to contribute enough to have their own name listed please let us
know your desire and that will be arranged and honored.
Please forward this memo as widely as possible.
Thank You,
Greg J. Hargadon
VMO-2, RVN, ‘68-’69

Posted : 2004-09-09 16:55