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Those who knew Bill...
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Those who knew Bill Woidyla:

1 Posts
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Bob Bliss
Posts: 2
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I was fortunate enough to get the last ride out of Phu Oc, September 21, 1967, during a battle with the 90th NVA Regiment south east of Con Thien before dark set in. Bill Woidyla was a pilot with the 362 group that day. I received email from Bill before he died where he explained how harrowing that medavac was. Under fuel he attempted to land at Dong Ha, but they were taking incoming, especially in the Med area. He opted to fly out to the USS Sanctuary, despite flying on fuems, to get us to medical care. I was considered critical at the time and somehow Bill got us out there, and I'm here to day because of his courage as a pilot, and to the benifit of his great crew.
Bill received the DFC for his actions that day. He flew All Day.
A friend and I are writing a book about the battle of Phu Oc, during Operation Kingfisher, and would like to hear from those of you who know Bill Woidyla, or flew with him. If you participated as a medavac crew that day, we would be very pleased to hear from you as well. It is very important to include the helicopter crews who participated in these crucial battles into the books being written about Grunt fire fights, as the Marines on the ground relied on help from the air, especially when we Marines were fighting a larger enemy force, as we were on 9-21-67. Many more men would have died that day if not for the fearless sacrifices of determined helicopter squadrens, and a few individuals like Bill Wiodyla who flew medavaces all day while his brother crews were be shot down.
Please help us to remember a great man, pilot and Marine.

Semper Fi,
Robert Bliss USMC (Ret.)

Posted : 2005-10-24 16:32