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Thomas Roy Carpente...
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Thomas Roy Carpenter

1 Posts
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kathy steveson
Date: Apr 7, 2007 11:57 PM
Subject: Can you remember this Marine
To: webmaster@popasmoke.com

I was reading your post and was wondering if you would remember a marine that was on the same ship as you heading for Danang. We are having a time trying to find more proof for the VA that this Marine was in Danang Vietnam. His papers say that he served in Souttheast Asia, but the VA says that this is not sufficient information. His name is Thomas Roy Carpenter.

I would appreciate it if you could go back and think real hard if you would remember this Marine. It sure would help a lot.

Thank you so much for anything you could do. If you can't remember him, maybe some of your buddies you have stayed in contact with could remember.


Posted : 2007-04-08 10:41