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STSG Gordon Wood Ho...
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STSG Gordon Wood Hoover Gordie

4 Posts
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I was looking to see if anyone knew my grandfather STSG Gordin Hoover He served 12 years in the marines he died January 31, 1968 in Thua Thien, South Vietnam I do not know much exept he was a drill instructor and when he left for Vietnam he was living in San Diego. Thank you all.

Posted : 2003-12-01 22:20
Posts: 896
Prominent Member


SSGT - E6 - Marine Corps - Regular
31 year old Married, Caucasian, Male
Born on Feb 12, 1936
Length of service 12 years.
His tour of duty began on Feb 14, 1967
Casualty was on Jan 31, 1968
Body was recovered

Panel 36E - - Line 16



Submitted by

jim Wagner
worked in supply
4 N. 327 Locust Ave.
West Chicago, il 60185 U.S.A.
A Marine;s Marine
I first meet Gordie as he liked to be called on the flight from Da Nang to Phu Bai. Our MOS were both in supply so it was good chance we bump into each our again. I was only in the Marines a year and Gordie ten plus or so. He was sent to Hue and I was at Phu Bai running back and forth in the convoys hauling food stuffs etc. Hue was a beautiful city for the most part, you would'nt think a war was going on for the most part there. Gordie ran the place like done it all his life. It could get quite busy at times and any long shoreman would be proad of him. We would see each other and joked about things and he gave me 'Carte Blanc' in what our group of Marines need to pick up, I am forever greatfully to him, with me being only a PFC. in his trust. I was back in Phu Bai when I got the news of Gordie's death and naturally I was was in total shock. He came over the same time I did so it was very hard to take. He was a Marines Marine, loved and respected by all. Yours Truly,Jim
Friday, July 04, 2003

Submitted by

Bill Hill
fellow marine 1/67-1/31/68
6 northbrook way
greenville, sc29615 uas
Courageous Marine and Person
Please allow me to regress about S.Sgt. Hoover. I do this in great respect and would like his family to hear how I remember him. The time was about1300 as I recall and I was an 0331 attached to FLC as security for convoy's in and out of Hue in particular convoys picking up munitions and troops at the ramp on the south side of the Perfume River. S.Sgt. Hoover was the NCO in charge and was a Marine's MARINE. We started taking small arms and mortar fire and it obvioulsy directed at S.Sgt. Hoovers corner of Viet Nam. We had the truck drivers attmept to bring their trucks closer to the ramp to suppress any fire that we could. S.Sgt. Hoover, realizing that the big "6 bys" with our ring mounted 50cal., would be immdediate targets refused to allow us back on the loading ramp. S.Sgt. Hoover sent us back south on highway 1 telling us that we would be needed there for forward movement of the grunts. We followed S.Sgt. Hoover's orders and ,in fact, were sent back to PhuBai combat base to transport what I remember being part of 3rd Recon(it has bee 33 years so I may be wrong). It was around 1730 by time we got back to the Perfune River loading ramp. We then went looking for S.Sgt. Hoover. This is when we found that he was KIA. My last picture of S.Sgt. Hoover was when I looked back from the ring mount and saw him directing what troops he had to safety. That is how I hope any family or friends of S.SGT. HOOVER will also remember him In his honor, I believe the Staff NCO's and Officers named their club after him. I am very sorry that it took me so long to find this site. Gods Speed and Semper Fi for S.SGT. HOOVER Respectfully, William Hill
Thursday, September 27, 2001

Submitted by

Donald Nichols Jr
Fellow Marine
6347 South 72nd Avenue
From August 23rd,to October 20th, 1965 then Sgt. Hoover was our Drill Instructor at MCRD San Diego, Platoon #267. It was not until 1998 that I learned that Gy. Sgt. Hoover had died in Vietnam. His role as our DI was to transform us from civilians to Marines and to succeed in whatever we ventured into. He was very successful. Semper Fi Sgt. Hoover, you are not forgotten by this Marine!
Thursday, May 20, 1999

George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2003-12-02 01:53
Posts: 2
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this is a picture of my grand father mabey someone may recognize him on the back it says guneriey sgt u.s. m.c. Hue, Vietnam fall -1968


Posted : 2003-12-27 22:37
Posts: 896
Prominent Member

The photo was probably taken in the fall of 67 as he was KIA on 31 January 1968

George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2003-12-28 19:43