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SSGT Kenneth Nester
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SSGT Kenneth Nester

5 Posts
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SPC.Kenneth Nester Jr
Posts: 2
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I am looking for any one who knows my Dad,He does not talk much about his time in but about flying!!He was in for 9yrs until he broke both his wrist and arms,somewhere over seas.I was born in Lovely Yuma,Az in 1974,and my brother was born in Nc,in 1977.I know he flew with HMM-263 for awhile and not for sure with who else.But it would be nice to find someone who knows him,I think he would like to talk with his fellow Marines!!!

Kenneth Nester Jr


Posted : 2008-07-30 04:07
Posts: 0
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Reply to post of Kenneth Nester

Dear Mr. Nester:

Your missive of inquiry to POPASMOKE, regarding your
father, has been forwarded to the membership.

You should not be concerned about your fathers'
reluctance to talk about Vietnam. We were not
welcomed home as heros. Instead, we were spat upon,
and, called "baby killers".

I was assigned to the Headquarters and Maintenance
Squadron 16, (H&MS-16); Marine Air Group 16 (MAG-16);
at the USMC helicotper station at Marble Mountain,
Vietnam, in 1969.

We performed mid-level repair for the flying
squadrons. One of the squadrons we served was
HMM-263. We were not a flying squadron. We turned
over the last of our CH-34's to the ARVN's when I
arrived in March of 1969.

Therefore, if we wanted to fly, we had to go to the
flight line of one of our squadrons (at the break of
day). I did so, and, flew with HMM-263. In reality,
I flew with every squadron in the group.

Flying is an awesome experience. Killing, is not! I
do not know if I ever met, or knew, your father.
However, if he flew with HMM-263; stand back and
salute him! I'm not sure what else you are looking

Respectfully Submitted,

Samuel A. Brewer, III

Posted : 2008-07-31 19:19
SPC.Kenneth Nester Jr
Posts: 2
New Member
Topic starter

Thanks to all who responded about my inquary! I found a few guys who flew with my dad,I want to thank them for emailing me.
Agian thank you very much.

Posted : 2008-08-05 23:11
Posts: 0
New Member

"A little 263 history"


some history of HMM263

My brief 6 months with 263 was from 4/63 to 10/63.
The whole squadron flew to Dobbins AFB outside of Marietta ,Georgia around
those months in an extension of the discrimination position of then Alabama Governor Wallace.
Our job was to fly the the National Guard into Birmingham in case of riots.
After 90 days of living out of the H34's and tents..we were granted
access to the EM club..we had a few beers and against orders left the base.
Me and two other Marines were arrested by 15 Georgia state troopers in 6 cars
and spent the night in a Marietta Jail. (I guess Marines made them nervous)

I don't remember Nester but it is likely he was with the squadron at that time.
It was more a nuisance then traumatic and he may discuss it..
The CO was a M P Weiscowski(sp) or DL Johnson if anyone remembers.

Hope it helps
David Goodale USMC 1960-66

NOTE: History http://www.archives.state.al.us/govs_list/schooldoor.html
On June 11, 1963, Alabama's Governor George Wallace came to national prominence when he kept a campaign pledge to stand in the schoolhouse door to block integration of Alabama public schools. Governor Wallace read this proclamation when he first stood in the door-way to block the attempt of two black students, Vivian Malone and James Hood, to register at the University of Alabama. President John F. Kennedy federalized the Alabama National Guard, and ordered its units to the university campus. Wallace then stepped aside and returned to Montgomery allowing the students to enter.

Posted : 2008-08-07 23:08
Posts: 3132
Active Members

Marietta Jail

spent the night in a Marietta Jail

Don't feel bad, LOTSA folks did that in he 60's!! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ When we cam home from Memphis to Atlanta on week ends, we cruised through Marietta very carefully, enroute!:D

Posted : 2008-08-08 17:16