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Sgt. Harry T. Wilson KIA/BNR - 04 JUN 70

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Posts: 125
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I have just received a fantastic Christmas message from our friend Col. Davis, Deputy Commander at JPAC. many of you met him in Reno when he gave an update on JPAC operations.

The great news is that Sgt. Wilson’s crash site has been scheduled for excavation as the alternate site in Jan-Feb 05 and if not, as the primary site Jan-Feb 06. Col. Davis, Dickie Hites and Bob Maves at JPAC are probably tired of my constant inquiries and I should apologize to them for being so insufferable and constantly “in their face”. But I must say that they are always very polite, respectful and never tell me anything but the real scoop.

On several occasions I was informed that although the teams were not able get to Sgt. Wilson’s site on the most recent trip into Laos, remains of MIA Americans were found in other areas, some of which have been identified and returned home. Although somewhat disappointed when I hear this news, the disappointment lasts for only a millisecond and then I swell with pride that our nation has brought home another American serviceman to his family, his country, his friends and finally laid to rest in American soil.

We all want to see Sgt. Wilson’s remains brought home as soon as possible. He is a Marine brother, one of our own HMM-262 Old Tigers, the is the one and only remaining KIA/BNR (MIA) in the history of HMM-262 and we promised his sisters at our reunion in New Orleans a couple of years ago, in the presence of the Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, General William Nyland, that we would do everything within our power to see that this happens.

I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and ask that as we celebrate the holidays this year, you remember with joy, pride and dignity that we have served our country, that our brothers and sisters are serving our country today and especially the families those men and women who will spend the holidays without their loved one nearby, for whatever the reason.


Posted : 2004-12-24 12:36