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Serve with General Lewis W. Walt?

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I am looking for individuals who knew or met General Lewis Walt anytime during his long and honorable service for a biography. His courage, dedication, and compassion for his men and country were an inspiration to many. Now more than ever we need to remember his values and his message. Email dsee02@bellsouth.net

Posted : 2010-02-14 23:14
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When General Walt retired he moved to Orlando, Fl. and was a neighbor of my father's. They had both served on Guadalcanal and became fast friends even though my father was retired enlisted. As you, probably know Gen. Walt was the "enlisted man's" general. He was tough but also very compassionate. His son Larry is a retired Lt.Col. (53 pilot) and I believe he is somewhere in New England. I did some electrical work for General Walt and trimmed trees for him and to go into his home was like entering a museum. He even introduced me to BGen. (ret) George Patton who was General Patton's (of WWII fame) son. His wife June made you feel very welcome in their home. All I can say is he was a great man and he is missed.

Posted : 2010-02-15 13:28
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DSee;25752 wrote: I am looking for individuals who knew or met General Lewis Walt anytime during his long and honorable service for a biography. His courage, dedication, and compassion for his men and country were an inspiration to many. Now more than ever we need to remember his values and his message. Email dsee02@bellsouth.net

I had the pleasure of flying General Walt in Okinawa in late 1970 - he was a "down to earth" General and a Marine's Marine. Took time to speak with a lowly 1st Lt. Huey Pilot and smiled alot - Outstanding Marine!!

Posted : 2010-11-08 23:56
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Gen Walt

Not sure when, or where, but the name is in the mind, and he had to be one of my top Generals(CO), at one time. S/F, And READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-11-09 05:57
Posts: 44
Eminent Member

LtCol Larry C.Walt USMC (Ret), lives in North Carolina. his Email is
larrycwalt@gmail. He was one our pilots on the Iran Hostage Rescue Attempt.

A good Marine and excellent 53 Pilot


Posted : 2010-11-09 11:53
Posts: 4415
Famed Member

When it comes to great generals I'd have to nominate Fred McCorkle!

Posted : 2010-11-09 13:33
Posts: 1387
Noble Member

Came face to face...

..,with the General on two.,less than glowing occasions. I'll try to make these stories as short as possible & I beg your tolerance.
The 1st in '65 at LTA,Santa Ana during an IG inspection. Our squadron was standing in formation.,winter class "A"s.,spit shines.,M-14's squeaky-clean with a light coat of oil.
The inspecting general was non other than Lewis W.Walt. Our fearless leaders had gone to great length to instill into our young minds.,that this general.,firmly believed in punishment procedures such as,running the gauntlet.,flogging.,& keel hauling.,for those that 'disappointed' him.
"He can breath fire from his nostrils.,files his teeth to points.,& dines on Rump Roast of Marine..,well seasoned with Habanero Sauce.He's commonly referred to as the 'Brute'." (WE....,BELIEVED !!!)
Standing in the front rank.,the man to my immediate right.,was an unfortunate individual.,that was a living.,breathing example of Murphy's Law. (We lovingly referred to him as 'Sad Sack') L/Cpl Hornsby was a short-timer with less than 30 days before RAD.
Gen.Walt stopped in front of Hornsby.,made his left face.,smartly snapped the rifle out of his hands.,inspected.,& presented back..,Hornsby missed the catch & the rifle came down butt 1st on the General's left foot. The General never flinched.,but looked down at the rifle laying at his feet...,looked back at Hornsby.,straight in the eyes.,& Hornsby..,promptly.,passed out.
Gen.Walt made a smart right face & continued on with the inspection.
"Sgt.Maj.,get some aid for that Marine." as he passed on down the ranks.
This is story #1 of 2..,the other comes from an encounter in RVN.
If you guys wish to hear it.,let me know.,title being..,"That would be prudent.,Marine."




Posted : 2010-11-09 16:48
Mike Amtower
Posts: 285
Reputable Member

..... well ..... #2?

Well ...... you couldn't have made #2 any shorter :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Let's have it!

Posted : 2010-11-09 17:36
Posts: 0
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.....Well #2....

It'd be nice to hear the other story. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-11-09 19:33
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timothy;29318 wrote: When it comes to great generals I'd have to nominate Fred McCorkle!

Chatterbox Fred>>>>>>Bless Him and the Hills of tenn. What a time so many of us have had with Him and so many of the others of 262;)

Posted : 2010-11-10 00:11
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Myself, I believe Col. Robert Gray was the Best CO I had. He was my last CO, of HMM-265. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-11-10 00:30
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John Ace Hunt;29294 wrote: Not sure when, or where, but the name is in the mind, and he had to be one of my top Generals(CO), at one time. S/F, And READY-APP.


He was CG of III MAF while you were there. From there he became Asst. Commandant until he retired in 1971.

Posted : 2010-11-10 16:41
Posts: 1387
Noble Member

"That would be prudent,Marine."

Early spring '67,vicinity of Con Thien. Out of Dong Ha.,EP 160 had the duty for routine admin. frag orders for the day.
Capt.Richard "Rollo" Langenfeld was my HAC. Rollo was a real piece of work,as Marion Sturkey will attest. (Rollo especially despised rear echelon poges.)
Orders were to deliver a couple of pallets of "C"s to one of the field units,pick up 9 PAX,transport them to Danang for R&R,pick up a couple of dash 10's from H&MS @ Marble,drop them off @ Phu Bai on the flip & then return to Dong Ha. (Plan "A")
En route with the C's.,Rollo told me that there was going to be a 15-20 min.delay in the zone as our PAX weren't in out of the bush yet. "Stay sharp."
On approach.,there was a small group of "starch & pressed 'ute's" wandering amongst the troopers.,stuck out like leopard frogs on a lily pad. "Must be those troopers' lucky day",says I to myself.
The left seat keys me up.,"Crewchief">>"Yessir">>"The Capt. says that if any of those reps..(???)..,approach you wanting a ride.,you tell them that this NOT a field-green taxi cab !!! If they give you argument.,send them up front.>>"Will do.,LT."
So here I are.,standing in the crew hatch.,lovingly applying a light coat of oil to my model 12.,& scanning this soggy piece of real estate.,when I noticed the "group" approaching from my 6. "Well..,S**t.Must be my lucky day,too."
I continued wiping & taking in the scenery,&,out of the corner of my eye.,here they come.,in single file.,up the ramp.,up thru the cabin.(Ohhh.,HAPPY DAY) Tap,tap,tap on my shoulder. "My party & I will be requiring transport on this a/c to the Plateau."
Gave my 12 gauge a final wipe.,tipped my head way back.,heavy sigh..,"Sir.,this is NOT the Yellow Cab Co.I'm sure that my pilot can make other arrangements for you." THAT'S when I turned to face Maj.Gen.Lewis W.Walt.,face to face.
(Tell you whut.,boys..,when that man was displeased...,he had eyes that could bore holes thru 10" of homogeneous steel & developed a jaw-set that rivaled a champion English Bulldog.,&..,I experienced the same gut-wrenching feeling that L/Cpl Hornsby felt.)
"I will inform the pilot immediately,sir.I'm sure that he can accommodate you."
The Gen. smiled wryly.,leaned fwd.into my face.,lifted my helmet out from my ear.,& spoke the words that will be forever burnt into my brain....,"THAT.,would be PRUDENT..,Marine."
I keyed my mic.,"Uhh.,Cap'...">>"Yeh..,Craze..,don't tell me.,let me guess.The 'rep's' are lookin' for a ride.,right ??? Did ya tell 'em what I told ya to tell 'em ?">>"Uhh.,yessir.,but I'd.,r-e-a-l-l-y...,R-E-A-L-L-Y..,wish that you would hash this out with Gen.Walt.,y-o-u-r-self !".,& handed the handset to the General.,"Sir...,the pilot."
(I was not privy to the activity in the cockpit following that comm..,but it's my understanding.,that had it not been for Cap's' seat restraints.,he would have launched over the inst. panel & thru the Plexiglas.)
Needless to say.,the General's needs were met.
There's a follow up to this story that I'd like to share with you guys.,that I'd like to present..,if you'll indulge me. It gives credence as to why this good man was regarded as a Marine's.,Marine.,& a true leader of men.




Posted : 2010-11-10 17:33
L R Gilton
Posts: 18
Active Member

All those names are familar but on the personal level I nominate Jim Shelton as CO, Bob Wemheur, K D johnson and Art Friend as maintenance OICs. Oh and BTW don't forget Maj Cox (early post from hmm 361 1965/66). SF/LRG

Posted : 2010-11-10 17:36
Mike Amtower
Posts: 285
Reputable Member



I'll "second" Jim & Bob.

They are top notch Marines.

..... and Mike ----- finish your story.

Posted : 2010-11-10 17:49
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1st MAW

Jim, when I first got in-country, I was Commanded by a Gen. Quilliea(sp), of 1MAW, until we left for awhile as a Squadron. WE were MAG-11 then. I left and went to Chu-Lai to H&MS-13, and to several places. Thats where I remember him from, the Asst. Commandant of the Corps. On 10 May,'69, we 265 was re-designated MAG-15, 9th MAB(REIN). My record shows me all over the place. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-11-10 20:50
Posts: 1387
Noble Member

"And now.,the rest of the story."

Re:"That would be prudent,Marine."
Following a brief comm with Capt.Langenfeld,Gen.Walt hung up the handset & slowly started walking aft.,satisfied look on his face.,just sort of eyeballing about the cabin.(Sure was glad I'd had crash crew bring one of their tankers over @ Phu Bai a couple of days earlier,so I could give it a good hosing out.)
Rollo keyed me up.,"The Gen.has instructed that we remain in the zone until the grunts get here.Should be any time now.Keep me advised.">>"Understood,Sir. I assume that we will be taking the Gen.& his party to the Plateau ???">>" 'A'--ffirmative."
Gen.Walt returned from his brief,albeit thorough,insp.of the cabin.,gave the starboard '50 receiver a couple of pats.,then put his hand on my shoulder...,"Walk with me a moment.,Marine." (Stand-by,Mikey..,here it comes.The 'Brute' is going to launch.Bite the top of your fool head off.,belch flame into your empty scull !!!) Slung my 12 gauge over my shoulder & followed along behind.
Comm.>>"Uhh,Cap'.,the Gen.wants to have a talk with me. I'll be outside on the long-cord.">>"Ahh.,rodge'....,s**t-t-t." (Cap' Langenfeld & I enjoyed a very good relationship.,borne of mutual respect..,&..,certain common failings.One of those failings being that we both had a very low flash point.,& although we had the RIGHT to remain silent.,when pressed.,we occasionally,lost the ABILITY to.)
The Gen.started with me with a soft tap of the swagger stick on my arm. "How is it that you are wearing that tiger suit rather than SI flight gear?">>"Sir,I was issued 6 sets of these by the Rangers at Proj.'D'. More suitable wear should we go down in the bush. We have 4 a/c out of Phu Bai that work in pairs of 2.,week on.,week off. This is my week off.">>"And you're out HERE ???">>"Standard issue milk run,sir...,or it started OUT that way." I looked down & kicked the ground.,& I think he chuckled slightly.
He tapped my well stuffed survival vest.,"What's this ?">>"Got a buddy in paraloft,sir.He made it up for me.">>"Ahhh..,good friend." He then leaned fwd. slightly & firmly tapped the '12 & the butt of my .45..,eyes narrowed.,"And THESE ?(emphasis on these) THESE..,are Not your T.O.weapons.,where are they ???"
Comm.>>"Craze.,inform the Gen. that our close air is on site.,a flight of gunships & 2 fast movers. You ok ?">>"Uhh.,Kinda-sorta,Cap'.Be advised,that I am on the grill back here.">>"Rodge'...DAMN." Informed the Gen.,"Hmmp."was his reply.
At this juncture.,I was convinced that I was in deep doo-doo.,frustrated.,& felt I had nothing to loose. Tipped my head back & with a heavy sigh said.,"Sir,..."at which time he just gave me a gentle nudge in the gut.,"RELAX.,Marine.,you're not in trouble."..,but gave me the 'YET' look.
And so I began.,"Sir.,my T.O. weapons are stowed safely aboard.,I'm only required to have them ON the a/c. I'm sure that you've observed the 14's stationed by either gun station as back ups.,both w/selectors & many mags.Two 16's stationed & mags at either side of the ramp.,just in case. My T.O weapons are the .38 M&P & a hand-me- down AR-15 from the A/F..,both equally useless in combat..,the .45 hits hard.,the shotgun comes in mighty handy in the 'tall' grass..,Sir.,!!!"
Gen.Walt turned.,folded his hands behind his back.,took a couple of steps.,then turned back.,looked me straight in the eyes.,"Sound judgement.,very sound judgement."
I have post thoughts on the experience with this good man that I'd like to share.,but unfortunately,I get lengthy. How can one not.,when remembering a great leader of men.
Take care,




Posted : 2010-11-12 17:28
Mike Amtower
Posts: 285
Reputable Member

......... and

Continue on, Mike ..............

You haven't put any of us to sleep yet. :D:D:D

Your "story" keeps getting better.

Posted : 2010-11-12 17:37
Posts: 0
New Member

and now the rest of the story

Mike Am., I enjoy Mikes stories as well. Brings back the memories I pulled as well. I didn't have a General, just our Battalion CO. Big Man, that is for sure. A Full Col. Doty of the 9th MAB. I hauled him around when he had staff meetings. I was his gunship as well on 4 missions a Day. 2 at Dawn, and 2 at dusk. It was a Free fire zone, and it wasn't a good idea to be caught out when we flew by. Had the regular missions, just had to be back by the time he needed his Bird. We were never late, and all missions were completed. Had a good several weeks plus before being shot down. I had all the souped up gear as well. especially the 15's, or 16, whatever. Never checked the numbers. I was going to pick up several 45's, but my time ran out. Good fun while it lasted. Wouldn't hesitate to do it again. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-11-12 17:57
Posts: 1387
Noble Member

Say's you..

Mike Amtower;29446 wrote: Continue on, Mike ..............

You haven't put any of us to sleep yet. :D:D:D

Your "story" keeps getting better.

Mike,you seem to be in a minority of one.,but I'll continue. thanks for your interest.




Posted : 2010-11-12 19:05
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says you

Mike, seems I've asked Mike Collins to continue on. They are good. I too have a few boxes full of them, but will keep them for awhile to myself. I think I've figured out why 265 didn't award many medals. We never had Generals flying with us, or in the area at all that I can remember. That would make a difference. My 1st CC Training me for CC, was Paul Davis. He was cheated out of a Silver Star, and 2 Bronze stars. Just by one C-S heavy. The Squadron knows him, and remembers to this day. Paul crashed a number of years ago in Wyoming or somewhere flying his own Private Plane. Believe he didn't suffer much. Very Sad. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-11-12 19:25
Ray Norton
Posts: 322
Reputable Member

The description on this photo...

...is "Osprey engine start."

Ready Two?

Attached files

image_3572.pdf (30 KB) 


Raymond J. Norton

1513 Bordeaux Place

Norfolk, VA 23509-1313

(757) 623-1644

Posted : 2010-11-12 20:57
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V-22 engine start

Ray, just not sure what the start procedure is for the thing. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-11-12 21:01
Micheal Joe
Posts: 4
New Member

i was also looking for the start procedure for Semper Fi .

Posted : 2010-11-15 07:34
Posts: 0
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start procedure for v-22

Micheal Joe, you might go to the boeing site, and check about it, the engine starts. May have to go through some checks, but its out there somewhere. I myself would like to see the actual test of the 22 flying on 1 engine, like cameras in the cockpit, and all. They should shut an engine down and see if the cross shaft really works. Can't remember any, as like i said a number of the tests were postponed and don't believe they were ever carried out. One enging running and the Bird stays in the air? Thats a must see, and if it doesn't Ground ever last one of them. I'd do it in 5-10 ft. of water so the crew could have a better chance of living. No 2-5 ft of water. Our 46 Squadron has had all up before. Thats except the hangar Queen, and an engine change, but its certainly better than the 3-4, -22's up at any one time. may be a few more, but not many. All that money was paid for a fast taxi for VIP's, and others. Hate that. It has good points, but seems the bad is catching up on them. Goodness. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-11-15 09:12
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