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Role of Helicopters in SE Asia

1 Posts
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LtCol Wadsworth's email address is at the end of the message.

Good day, Gentlemen -
Doug Wadsworth, former HMH-362 Ugly Angel XO/CO (1998-2003), here.
I'm writing to ask for your assistance.
I'm currently attending the Naval War College in Newport and I'm taking an "Airpower" elective. I've been assigned to give a short presentation on "Helo Ops in SE Asia." Having been fortunate enough to be a member of the illustrious alumni of Ugly Angels, I've communicated with some of you in the past and thought I'd go straight to the source to get material that might be more interesting than what I'll find in the research library here.
If anyone has a minute or two to send a sea story or even just a line or two, I'd really appreciate it. The instructor for this course is quite good - and has passed that controversial issues within the subject will make for a more interesting presentation. It’s obviously a very broad subject, however, the intent of my class will be to briefly explain the history of helicopters in SE Asia and to explain their significance to the war in Viet Nam. What was significant about helicopters being there? Did they change the way we fight a war? What was controversial?
Not trying to gin up a thesis here - just attempting to get some interesting, straight-from-the-source info that the rest of the class will be interested to learn about the role of helicopters in Viet Nam. The class is scheduled for 7 Oct.
My secondary motive - as I’ve moved on from HMH-362, I’d like to stay in touch with its extended family!
Thanks for the help.

Semper Malus (always ugly),
LtCol Doug “Emo” Wadsworth


Posted : 2004-09-05 10:17