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Request Info on 1LT Ed Keeble, KIA, VMO-6

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1LT Ed Keeble, KIA 28 Feb 69, Dewey Canyon I


I am a former US Army helicopter pilot assisting Ed Keeble's sister, Lucy, in her attempt to connect with anyone who knew, flew with, or has any information about her brother Ed. She was 15 when he was KIA in Dewey Canyon I somewhere near, or inside, Laos as his gunship flew cover for a medevac mission into an obviously hot area. The entire crew was killed during or after that shootdown. The aircraft was a total loss. I am led to believe the aircraft was a UH-1E, tail number 152424.

He flew with Marine Observation Squadron 6 (VMO-6), Provisional Marine Air Group 39 stationed at Quang Tri, Viet Nam. Thank you for any and all data you might be able to provide her. She has never fully recovered from his loss and would love to contact anyone who knew her brother.

I have also posted this message on the USMC CHA General NOTAM Board, and have received some initial guidance from Alfa Golf 6. I have sent e-mail messages to all members of VMO-6 listed on this site.

Thank you for your kind consideration of his sister, Lucy, and thank you for your service.

Welcome home!

C/229th Assault Helicopter BN
1st Cav Div
III Corps, 1969 – 1970

Posted : 2010-03-24 15:42