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Request from a spouse:

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Posts: 51
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Name: Olivia Alvarez
Phone: 5126743687
Message: My former/ex husband served in the Marine's in 1969-1971 he was seventeen at the time and did a tour in Viet Nam. He was I believe a gunner on helicopter called either the White rabbit or the Green rabbit. He does not talk about this,I just happen to remember when we were first married he had nightmare's and he would called out the name,when I asked him about it he said it was the helicopter he flew in. We have been divorce for 20 yr and now have grandson,I am now realizing that I don't really have any information of his time served in the Marines and would like something to pass on to our grandsons as they get older. We have nothing to show them about their grandfather's great service to our country,which we are grateful for. Any information you can help me with would be greatly appreciated. If you need any information from him I will try and get it. His name is Albert C. Carmona Jr. from Austin,Tx,but I think he enlisted in Dallas,Tx. Thank You and God Bless for serving our country.

Email: olicar10@yahoo.com

Posted : 2013-05-22 15:35