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When MHTG-40 stood up at New River, I was assigned as the group Maintenance Admin Chief (as a CPL). The group Maintenance Officer was CAPT Bobby HARDIN. Maintenance Chief was MSGT Red ???. CAPT Hardin was a mustang who had previously been with HMX-1 and MSGT "Red" was probably old enough to be a WWII vet. Both were good men.

Does anyone remember these great Marines?

Posted : 2016-08-31 13:57
Posts: 0
New Member

MSGT "Red" could be Red Cressen (not sure on the spelling, always went by Red), a well known Maint. Chief and I served with him in Nam. He was Maint. Chief with HMM 363 at the time, along with Paul Maynard and I.D. Maise . He hung out with GySgt Mikey Wells and 2nd Lt. (SSgt w/field promotion with HMM 262) J.D. Fulmer (R.I.P.) . Red was a burly, hard ass Marine and well respected. Hope this helps.

Posted : 2016-08-31 18:32