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Peachbush Chatterbox - need some help please

3 Posts
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Posts: 592
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Mr Larry

My name is Samantha and I am the granddaughter of Col Kirby who was a CO during the Vietnam War I am wanting to join pops smoke because I am writing a paper on him and I am looking for people who have may served with him his squadrons were HMM-263 and 262 here is a picture maybe you remember him I just would like information from anyone so I can write my paper

If you can help, drop me a note and I will get you her e-mail.


Posted : 2013-07-03 18:09
Posts: 0
New Member

Re: Peachbush & Chatterbox - need some help please


I will forward this message on to a few HMM-263 Marines who may be able to respond to Samantha's request. Sometimes they do not check in on the PAS web site each day.

S/F Gary

Posted : 2013-07-03 23:08
Posts: 98
Reputable Member

Re: Got it handled......Peachbush & Chatterbox - need some help please

On 19 Aug. in Norfolk, VA. I had the pleasure of having lunch with Lt Col Kirby’s wife Madeline, their daughter Maureen and granddaughter Samantha. Samantha told me her grandfather is her hero.
Samantha would like to meet the brave men who served and flew with her grandfather and to hear first hand what kind of person he was when they served with him. She’d like to learn more about what we went through during our time with Lt Col Kirby. Samantha feels it would be an honor to shake hands with and spend a day or weekend with us hearing all the stories about her grandfather.
We discussed the approximate cost of flying, rooms and meals involved in attending the reunion in 2014. Samantha would like to attend but as she is a full time student, and jobless, she is financially unable to afford to attend the reunion on her own.  
I told Maureen and Samantha that I would send her request for help to all the ‘34 guys that served with Lt Col Kirby to see what we might be able to do to assist in making this happen and I would get back to them.
If you would like to made a donation to help Samantha please make your check out to Tom Moyer and in the for area put Samantha donation and send your check to :
TC Moyer 23404 E. Ontario Pl. Aurora, CO. 80016
I will keep track of the money(s), who donated and for what amount. If for some reason Samantha can’t make the trip I will reimburse your donation.
Samantha’s phone number is 804-931-7476 and her e-mail address is syl202@email.vccs.edu
Note: Maybe someone has a lot of air miles they may want to donate… I don’t know how that works but hey it’s a thought….

Posted : 2013-08-26 22:15