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Norm Urban

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Received below request.


My name is Dean Ditto (Cpl, USMC 1988 - 1992), son of Dennis Ditto (Sgt, USMC 1965-1969). My father served with HMM163 in Vietnam. My father was always very private about his experience in Vietnam, but years prior to my father passing, he shared a story with me of a particular mission where he mentioned Col House by name and spoke of having to take extraordinary steps to help get his helos off the ground. These extraordinary steps are the same that Captain Norm Urban discusses in his story located at; https://www.popasmoke.com/stories/index.html?subaction=showfull&id=1111878919&archive=&start_from=&ucat=5& Since my father has passed away I've found photos of him with other Marines both on the birds down range, on the flight line and among the tents. I would very much like to contact Norm Urban and offer to him the photos in hopes of him sharing with me the names of the Marines my father knew. I'd also like to ask Captain Urban if he knew my dad. The problem is, the email for Captain Urban on the article seems to be invalid. Do you have any way of contacting him that you cold share with me or conversely, could you please share this email with him? Any help would greatly be greatly appreciated.

Semper Fi!

Dean Ditto

Posted : 2011-06-02 16:38
Posts: 0
New Member

Re: Norm Urban


(951) 265-3125

Norm Urban

Posted : 2011-06-02 18:13