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My Dad - Jerry Schl...
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My Dad - Jerry Schlicht HM 36 / HMM 363

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SCHLICHT JEROME JOSEPH : 0100649 : USMCR : 1stLT : O2 : 7561 H-34 : 25 : MELROSE : MN : 19690130 : Air Loss Crash Land : Crew : body recovered : Thua Thien (Hue) :02 : 19430607 : Cauc : Catholic/married : 33W : 022

My name is Annemarie and I am the daughter of Jerry Schlicht who died 01/30/69 in the above mentioned helicopter crash. I am writing because I am searching for some answers....questions... and whys of what happened the day he died or what he was like. I was 18 months old when he passed away and there is not a day that I do not miss him. My mother never remarried and has told me many stories of him, but there is still a longing to know what happened. I don't mean to impose on anyone….just thought maybe someone would remember him. Thank you in advance and to all that have help me find this wonderful website you are all a blessing.



Posted : 2003-10-30 19:10
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Response to AnnMarie

Dear Annmarie, My name is Larry Monserrate. My wife Gayle and I were good friends of your Mom and Dad during your Dad's time in the Marine Corps, and I too was flying out of Phu Bia at the same time he was killed. You may not remember, but you and your Mom came to Pensacola to visit us after I got back fron RVN. It was a bitter sweet trip for your Mom as I'm sure it brought back many memories, but also brought some closure for her.
I was devastated when I learned your Dad had been killed. He and I had kept almost daily contact with each other even though we were in different squadrons flying different helicopters. A mutual friend from his squadron Ron Luna told me about the accident as soon as he found out that afternoon, as he knew what close friends we were. I was so upset I didn't tell Gayle for several weeks as I know how it would effect her. Your Mom and Dad and a small group of Marines and their wives, etc. had first become acquainted at Marine Corps Officer Candidate School and maintained close relationships from then on. While in Pensacola at flight training we spent many an evenings drinking beer at each other houses, and your Dad and I really liked playing Jeopardy against one another. You've probably heard how competitive he was, well neither one of us wanted to lose...so it was interesting. Galye and I would love to talk to your and Mom sometime. We just recently retired from our careers in San Diego and returned to a home we bought some years ago on a golf course in Gulf Breeze, Florida (near Pensacola). Our numer here is 850 - 916- 9104. We will be heading for San Diego to visit our daughters and their families from 12/15-01/07. Hopefully we can talk soon. Please give our love to your Mom. Sincerely, Larry

Posted : 2003-12-09 18:05
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Thank You


My Mom said to search for you and maybe we could find you, and get in touch. Hopefully, hearing from you two will help her put some closure to the pain that she has carried for way too long. Her memories form that time are very precious and dear to her, a time she will never forget. She is a very beautiful, successful woman who has achieved many goals she set for herself.

My Mom says I am a lot like my father...the beer and competitive thing, she is probably right. We still live in Minnesota, not far from each other, I have a wonderful husband (she also says he is a lot like my Dad) and three girls. I am so happy that you responded! Thank you. I will be seeing her this weekend and we will try to call.

Thank you Larry!


Posted : 2003-12-09 22:21
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Thanks to all that have helped!

I wanted to say thank you to everyone that has helped us in our search. We have been in contact with many wonderful men, Wayne Stafford, Larry Monserrate and most recently Richard Zehms and many other! Through our search, with everyone on popasmoke’s help, we have made new friends, been in touch with old friends and found a dear friend to my Father. I can not express our gratitude to all of you! You all have been extremely helpful, patient and kind.

If I had not watched a show on PBS about Vietnam, regarding children who lost their fathers I would never known about your wonderful web site and my Dads friends. They say God works in mysterious ways….I am a true believer in this. While we were searching for information, Richard “Zoomie” Zehms was searching for us! He knew my father very well and flew with him on many occasions. Richard is involved with the UH-34 D restoration project and having a memorial in my Fathers name included (for more information you can go to http://www.34restoration.org ) in the project.

We also were in contact with my Father and Mothers old friends the Monserrate’s. It was a very special to talk with them and hear how their lives have progressed.

I feel truly blessed by all of you! You all are my Heroes!

Thank you,

Annemarie Schlicht McCarthy


Posted : 2004-02-12 18:51