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Memebers in the Chicago area

2 Posts
2 Users
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Larry Zok received this email.

Do we have any members nearby that might want to set up a "recruiting booth" for that week end?

Oct-17th at 9am will be the ribbon cutting service of the new Memorial Park which was built in front of the historic Control Tower of Hangar One.Glenview Naval Air Station (1937-1995) is now redeveloped into the Glen Town Center. Military Honors will be provided by Great Lakes Naval Academe. Free display space inside our huge new store from is available for POPASMOKE if any of your member would like to set-up a table that weekend. We are 20 miles North of Chicago. Our website is at www.HangarOne.org Contact me anytime Mike Luxem (847) 832-7594

Posted : 2003-10-08 15:12
Allyn Hinton
Posts: 196
Estimable Member

You might want to contact Hal Walker, pilot HMM-262 1970 he lives in Warrenville, IL 630-393-2474. There are many association members in the Chicago area. Check the 2002 directory, and start making phone calls. I went to college with Hal if you get in touch with him say hi for me, and tell him to get to Reno in 2004.

Posted : 2003-10-08 17:30