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LZ BALDY Feb 1970
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LZ BALDY Feb 1970

1 Posts
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Posts: 592
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Looking for info

From: Barry Hart
to: webmaster

I am trying to find anyone or any information about an incident at LZ Baldy on Feb. 13, 1970. Our helicopter was leaving Baldy and was struck by enemy fire. We returned and some of us were taken to battalion aid. The corpsman gave me a band-aid and said it would take care of my “chicken scratch” and to hop the next one back to HQ 1stMarDiv.

I am now 64, 100% P&T service-connected due to PTSD, DM2, CAD, neck tumors, and I am sure there will be other issues as time moves ahead.

I was never put in for a Purple Heart or CAR, and I am not sure why. I know there were others hurt a lot more than me. It’s not about money, fame, or fortune. I just want my record settled before I leave this world.

I remember one fellow who was on that flight, but after contacting him, he can’t even remember if he was on the flight.

Barry Hart hartbn@charter.net

Sgt of Marines

RVN 1969-1970

Posted : 2013-10-29 17:50