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Looking for two former crew chiefs

4 Posts
3 Users
Posts: 0
New Member

I am looking for the where abouts of two marines of days gone by.
One is John Eastes from the old UH-34 days, any info will help.

Two is Gerald Hirshbine I saw him briefly at the reunion but he vanished in the night, would like his email addy.

Posted : 2004-07-27 08:01
Allyn Hinton
Posts: 196
Estimable Member

Both Hirschbine and Easter have addresses listed in the 2003 association directory.

Posted : 2004-07-27 15:27
Posts: 0
New Member


The one is John Eastes not Easter. I talked with some marines at the reunion and they made the same mistake.
As for the directory I never recieved one I have heard tell of them though.
Thanks for the help though.

Posted : 2004-07-27 18:04
Posts: 3
New Member

did you know my dad

my dad was RON (R.D.) REYNOLDS he was a crew chief. just need some help in hearing about him a lot of people have read my post but no reply. if you have info call me 303-995-4062 303-721-1113 303-680-4608 or send email angies1010@aol.com or give it to someone who may have known him. thank's Bret d reynolds

Posted : 2004-08-19 00:11