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looking for Matthew Cordes

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I am seeking information on a friend who served in the Special Forces before and during the Vietnam War. His name is Matthew Martin Cordes, Jr. He was from Boston (Brighton), Massachusetts born in November of 1927 and had a bit of a Boston accent. He was five feet eight inches tall and of a stocky build, balding, light hair and light eyes, and as a result of a service injury that had something to do with explosives, deaf in his right ear.

Matthew Cordes served in various branches of the US military from 1945 to 1966 - first in the Navy in WW II when he lied about his age and enlisted in the Navy. He also served in the Army and Marine Corps under General Herman Nickerson in Korea. When I met him in 1964 he was a Lt. Col. in the Marine Corps, stationed in Washington, DC and working with the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon and also in the Special Forces participating in covert actions in North Vietnam and perhaps other parts of Southeast Asia. He had many medals and I would very much like to learn as much as I can about his work in the military. I am the mother of his children and would like to learn more about Matt and to share this information with them. Matt had a buddy named Warren whom he rescued from North Vietnam and I would also like to locate him –but I do not know Warren’s last name but he was a Sergeant Major in the Marine Corps. Matt died in 1976.

Posted : 2006-02-25 20:23