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Looking for Info-Leo Ihli

3 Posts
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I saw another thread bout some senior officers and one listed was LtCol Leo Ihli. I served under Major Leo Ihli, the XO of HMM-262 in 68/69. When I found out about the Old Tigers and Popasmoke last year I did enjoy meeting my old CO, LtCol Neil Allen (RIP) and I ask about Maj Ihli and learned he had past. Is there anyone who can fill me in more on his career and personal opinons? Although we did share a muddy bomb crater in I believe Laos one day, crew chief Cpls. and XO Majors didn't hang around together much. I did my best to describe him as I remembered him in the story I wrote but I would enjoy hearing how others thought and if I was accurate.

Posted : 2010-09-22 22:12
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LtCol. Ihli was my dad's roomate in Korea when he was MSgt. Ihli, an enlisted pilot. My dad spoke very highly of him when I got out and told him(my dad) I served under him when he was a LtCol. and Operations officer at El Toro Late 70 - 71. At that time I was a Sergeant and a crewchief on SAR's HH-1K rescue Huey. I never heard anyone speak ill of him, and he got his flight time with us and always treated us well.

Posted : 2010-09-23 04:18
Posts: 4599
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"Cool head and Command"

Thanks Jim, The word around Quang Tri that he had come up through the ranks did impress the young crews. He was definitely "Old Corps", maybe that's why nothing seemed to shake him. If I had to go down with anybody I'm glad now it was him.

Posted : 2010-09-23 20:55