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Looking for friends of Bill Woidyla

3 Posts
3 Users
Bob Bliss
Posts: 2
New Member
Topic starter

Hello Everyone,
Some time ago I posted a message here as I was looking for Pilots & Crew members who knew and/or flew with Bill Woidyla in Vietnam. I am still looking for you guys to help me out, since my last went unanswered.
However, I did speak over the phone with Frenchy and Roger Herman about Bill, and they were very kind to talk with me. As a reminder, I was the last wounded Marine that Bill medevaced out of the battle of Phu Oc in the evening of 9-21-67, south-east of Con Thien. I think he received his DFC for his courageous actions that day.
Anyway, I am still working with a writer from Texas (he lost a childhood friend in the same fight) to tell the story of the Marines who sacrificed so much that day fighting the 90th NVA Regiment. I was with Golf Co. 2nd BN, 4th Marines at that time. Both Grunts and Helicopter crews paid dearly that day in Vietnam. We are hoping some of you guys who knew Bill will get in touch with me, as a former Marine, and relate your memories of Bill in anyway that you might recall. I was fortunate to speak with him before he died, and talked about that last medevac he made. He was low on fuel, couldn't land at Dong Ha because it was being shelled, so somehow, on fumes he made it out to the Sanctuary. It was a very close call. What a nice guy he was to look me up and send me email.
If you can, please consider getting back to me. I really want to put some words in this book about Bill. He deserves that, as do all of you of course. It's important that you wonderful guys get something said about you in the book.
After all, most of us Grunts never would have made it home if it were not for you. I'd like readers of this book to understand that relationship we shared.
If you wish, you can email me at: rbliss@hvc.rr.com
Incidentally, if anyone has access to the wording on Bill's DFC, that would be of great help. I can assure you, all information, emails, etc. I receive will be held in strict confidence, and not released. Credits will be listed in the book, if so desired. Thanks for your help...
Semper Fi,
Bob Bliss
Woodstock, NY

Posted : 2006-02-21 16:21
Posts: 587
Admin Active Members

Posted request on another site- expect you'll get mail from a number of folks.
Guestbook is located at http://www.legacy.com/HoustonChronicle/Guestbook.asp?Page=GuestBook&PersonId=1418904

Posted : 2006-02-23 20:35
Posts: 160
Estimable Member

Looking for; case of Bill Woidyla

Bob: Sorry, when you first posted this I was going somewhere and made a "stickup" note to go out to the garage and get my roster of an army reserve unit I was in based @ Selfridge AFR in MI that had a Bill Woidyla as a flight crew guy and civilian technician (maint). I still need to go out there and get that roster...please forgive me and I'll try to do it before I get the morning "to do" list from the missus.

Hooper πŸ™‚

Posted : 2006-03-11 02:07