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Looking for combat artists or a point in the right direction

5 Posts
2 Users
Posts: 11
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Looking for some helo combat art to adorn the walls of the CH-53E Enlisted Aircrew Training school house aboard MCAS New River. Right now we're limited to recruiting and re-enlistment posters given to us by the Marine Corps so I'm looking for something more motivating than "We Don't Promise You A Rose Garden". I've browsed around the web and found some good stuff but our Geedunk barely makes enough profit to buy the students wings when they graduate. If anyone would care to donate or let me know where I can find what I'm looking for I'd appreciate it. Also If anyone has any photos of marine aircrew, equipment, armor, vests helmets or any other flight gear from Korea to present day that would be a big help for a mural I'm designing.

Semper Fi,
Sgt P. L. Deibert
Marine Enlisted Aircrew Training Div.

Posted : 2005-05-23 15:27
Posts: 0
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Combat Art

Have you checked our own Mike leahy?


Posted : 2005-05-23 21:40
Posts: 11
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good stuff....but...

Thank you for quick reply. I had looked at Mr. Leahy's site previously. He has some great artwork but the prices are a little steep for an E-5 or a group of E-5's for that matter. I also checked out the work on the Dubose link, also great work, alittle more in my price range. I think what I was looking for was geared more towards the guys out there that sit at the desk drawing in their spare time but don't have an outlet for their work much less a web site dedicated to it. Okay, i guess you caught me being cheap but I learned it from the finest fighting organization in the world, more with less, etc. etc.

Semper Fi

Posted : 2005-05-24 02:39
Posts: 0
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Mike Leahy

Mike is a great guy and a former enlisted Marine. I'd suggest you contact him, tell him what you want and what you can afford. He has a heart of gold and he might just surprise you!

Posted : 2005-05-25 06:47
Posts: 11
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Will Do

Thanks alot I'll check into it. Another great site I've found in my quest is the aviation art hanger kinda pricey but has some great work, mostly fixed wing but theres a couple of UH's and 53's that are incredible.

Posted : 2005-05-25 14:37