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Looking for COL J. S. Cipparone

2 Posts
2 Users
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Forgive this squid for straying into a USMC forum, but I'm pretty sure someone here will be able to help me with a long-standing debt to a Marine helo pilot.

A little over 10 years ago, COL J. S. Cipparone was my CO when I was an extremely green junior officer, and I still regard him as one of my most memorable mentors. In my checkout interview with him, I promised him that I'd stay in touch. 10 years and seven commands later, I have yet to fulfill that promise and I'm going to take the "better late than never" stance at this point.

If anyone can point me in his direction, I'd appreciate the assist.

My e-mail is dave.edgerton@gmail.com

All the best,
LCDR Dave Edgerton, USN

Posted : 2010-08-10 03:04
Posts: 592
Honorable Member

Col Cipparone

I left him a voice mail today telling him where to find this post.

Posted : 2010-08-10 11:43