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Looking for CH-46 pilots / Feb 68 / ROKMC / Hoi An

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Vance Hall
Posts: 35
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Roy Haggerty has tried to help me with this in the past. I now have new details.

Operation by 10th Co, 3rd Bn, 2nd ROK Marine Brigade several km NE of Hoi AN, mid- to late-Feb 1968. Co. was ambushed, sustaining 13 KIA and don't know how many WIA. ANGLICO Marines with 10th Co called for medevacs.

Initially, mid-day only a few wounded could be returned to the LZ partly protected by a tree row. I have a sketch for anyone interested. Because about all hands were on the firing line, my ANGLICO comrade Jim Chally helped a Korean Corpsman carry a stretcher with an emergency ROKMC wounded on board. At the moment they went onto the ramp, the helicopter sustained some rifle fire and lifted off the ground about ten feet. Jim wanted to jump out the back, but then more rifle fire and a round hit a crew member in the back but luckily hit at an angle such that it glanced off his flack jacket. But then the pilot had enough and boogied, Jim Chally on board.

The medevac that night rescued the majority of the wounded Koreans. It occurred just after night fall with intermittent very light precipitation, with the same LZ lit only by my small “campfire.” I believe it is this second pilot, according to what Jim recalls hearing, that was put up for a medal for coming into this hostile zone, at night, with only a very small fire that an OKIE country boy built to guide him.

If either of these pilots are out there, I know all my ANGLICO and Korean friends would like to hear their stories, and I’d like to buy them a steak dinner and a few drinks sometime.

Vance Hall
Tulsa, OK

Posted : 2008-01-10 11:59
Vance Hall
Posts: 35
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Update -

1st ANGLICO Marine Tom Petri is now writing a book on our Sub Unit One. Few Marines even know who ANGLICO was, but those of you who flew missions to allied forces, especially the Koreans, spoke with us on the receiving end.

If anyone wants to share information with Tom, I can provide his contact information.

Posted : 2008-02-20 16:57
Posts: 6
Active Member

Looking for Ch-46 pilots/Feb 68

As I read of this incident, it sure sounds familiar. I was crewchief on EP-1 HMM-265. It is very possible that my bird was the wing man for the bird you are talking about of this mission. I observed this since we were in orbit right over where all of what you discribed happened.

Just as you discribed, the lead bird landed in the zone to pick up a WIA. According to radio from the pilots on the ground, when the bird started to take fire the personnel (ROK) on the ground ran on board thus overloading the helicopter. The helicopter crew were in the process of getting the overload taken care of. The result was it sat too long in the zone. It was then I observed a tracer trail come from a near tree line. It was actually an RPG that hit some where near the aft pylon, rear main trans or engine compartment. I saw the dust from the rotor wash billow out and away from the helicopter as it moved forward and appeared to be taking off. It did not go very far before I saw more dust from the rotor wash appear and of which time the helicopter went down. There may have been radio traffic but I am not for sure. The bit I do remember is later that radio traffic came from one the pilots transmitting on his emergency survival radio on the ground out of the crashed helicopter and calling for medevac. At that time I was really up set that we did not go for a pickup emediately. My pilot chose to call in more assistance so we just continued to orbit till some one else came. This incident was a bummer for me not being able to go right down for a pickup. It may be such that I have blocked out what went after that. I think we may have just returned to base and let some other medevac take over.

This may or this may not be the incident you have mentioned but want to share with you my incident. The time frame is the same, we did operate that area, and we did work with ROK Marines.

a side note is, We just returned from Futema,Okinawa with fresh birds, completely reworked,beefed up aft pylon. We were there to rock and roll
We were based out of Marble so we never say the light of day at Marble, we left before sun up and returned after dark. We would shut down at the ROK's compound and eat at their mess halls. Had to see how they cooked and serve all the steaks we were supplying them with. Needless to say the ROK's boiled the steaks with rice so we had beef stew and rice

Basil Heth
"the Injun"
Semper Fi

B. Heth EP-1

Posted : 2008-04-30 15:42
Vance Hall
Posts: 35
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Thank you Basil,

This incident is one of several that has been on my mind for 40 years. Whether or not you were on that mission, I thank you for supporting our Korean Marine Corps brothers, and the 1st ANGLICO Marine teams who were there with them. Many more wounded would have died without your courageous rescues, and some battles would have been lost without you guys improving the odds.

You spoke about Korean food, I swapped my C-rats for their K-rats for the duration, living on kimchee, spicy pork, squid, octupus, and they always shared their rice. At this time we had been without food for several days and they killed an awful tasting water buffalo, a pig and some chickens, always sharing with us.

Thanks again, Bro

Vance Hall,
1st ANGLICO Sub Unit One

Posted : 2008-05-02 09:41
Vance Hall
Posts: 35
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Our incident not the same

bmheth;21523 wrote: It did not go very far before I saw more dust from the rotor wash appear and of which time the helicopter went down. There may have been radio traffic but I am not for sure. The bit I do remember is later that radio traffic came from one the pilots transmitting on his emergency survival radio on the ground out of the crashed helicopter and calling for medevac.
Basil Heth
"the Injun"
Semper Fi

None of the 46's that took fire actually went down so far as I know. The one during the day time though, left with my partner Jim Chally on board who had carried on a WIA. He said he was about to jump from 10 feet up when they took more fire and off they went.

In any case, thanks for keeping us (with the ROK Marines) alive.

Vance Hall

Posted : 2008-05-02 09:48
Vance Hall
Posts: 35
Eminent Member
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Call Sign

CRS disease was cured by the 1st ANGLICO Reunion in June. My call sign during this incident was "Nightcover One Four Bravo", the call sign for the 1st ANGLICO Marine accompanying 10th Co., 3rd Btn., 2nd ROK Marine Brigade.
If you heard that call sign, it was me calling for help.

Posted : 2008-06-20 11:48