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Looking for anyone who witnessed my accident

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Al Halseth

1972, USS TRIPOLI / LPH-10, Kobe, Japan .
Were you onboard the USS TRIPOLI / LPH-10, March 11,1972 thru March 20,1972 , while the TRIPOLI was at KOBE, Japan.
If you were please call or write or E-mail me.
I was hit by a taxi cab. In Kobe,Japan during the daylight. (They drive on the wrong side of the road) And have had AMNISIA up until 2003 because of that. And know I only have BRAIN DAMAGE !! ONLY!! I have had a V.A. claim for the past 3 years. I have 7 or 8 letters from people that remember it happening, but , I need a letter from some of the people that saw it happen or the Marines that helped me back to the ship. And letters from the Marines and sailors that knew me after it happened. I was flown off the ship in April, May or June 1972 (I don’t know for sure) . And went to the Hospital in Subic Bay ( Cubi Point ). Then was sent to Fatema, Okinawa. Then sent to Treasure Island, San Francisco, Calif., and discharged.
At Treasure Island they told me that they were going to give me a Medical Discharge. (I’d only heard of a Honorable discharge and a Dishonorable discharge). So I asked if I qualified for a Honorable discharge, and he said ,“yes”! And I said I wanted a Honorable Discharge. That’s what I got.
My Brain was broken, I didn’t know that I should have gotten a Medical discharge…
The Squadrons of helicopters that were onboard was HMM-165, HML-367, HMH-463, VMO-06. I think I have the HMH and VMO numbers right. We had Huey's, Cobera's, 46's, 53's, and OV-10's.
But, I was the only one that was hit by a taxi !!!
Please contact me . If you call, I’ll get your phone number and CALL YOU BACK SO YOU WON”T HAVE A BIG PHONE CALL BILL.
I was in Flight Equipment shop, Paraloft, Squadron Barber shop.
I was CPL. (E-4) AL (tim) HALSETH. From Minnesota, Wisconsin .
E-mail , alhalseth@marinecorps.com
Phone home 1 870 424 3074
Phone cell 1 870 405 1969
Present home address
AL Halseth
885 C.R. 486
Mountain Home, Arkansas, 72653
Also if you know of or the were abouts of any of the following people please let me know. Lt. Commander McDaniels USN Squadron Flight Surgeon.
Maj. D.M.Griffary, Maj. C.R. Upshaw, 1st Sgt. H.E. Cowan, Maj. T.A. Goldsborough, 1st Lt. T.C. Guarinot, 1st Lt. Jim Byrd, 1st Lt. Steve Ward, CWO Charlie Whitaker, MGySgt. H.C. Chaffin, MSgt. J.B.Harvey, SSgt. R.O. Jacks, Sgt. W.E. Ford, Sgt. Miner, Sgt. B.K. Thompson, Sgt. W.E. Westerfield, Sgt. N.G. Spiewak, Sgt. R.A. Newcom, Sgt. S.W. Gordon, Cpl. R.W. Thompson, Cpl. R.D. Miller, Cpl. S.A. Napierkoski, Cpl. P.D. Lewis, Cpl. M.O. Blackstone, Cpl. L.R. Thomason, Cpl. J.C. Griffin, Cpl. J. Mullinex, Cpl/ M. Morman, Cpl. W.G. Ford, Cpl. J.B. Gwen, Cpl. A.D. Costello, Cpl. C.S. Williamson, L/Cpl. T.E. Duncan, L/Cpl’s R.H.Good, G.C. Guardiola, D. Isler, A.T. Roy, J.M. Taylor, R.M. Languwski, W.B. King, J.D. Niven, Sampay, PFC’s L.J. Whitney, D.B. Moody, S.D. Bowen, 1st Class Gary Hensell USN
I Have letters from, 1st Lt. Phil Berkerich, 1st Lt. Mike Stanton, Sgt, William (VAN) VanEtten, L/Cpl. J.J. Chlebus, and family members and friends, saying I didn’t know my freinds and my wife. I left my wife 3 days after I saw her. I just didn’t know her. It was weird. I have one V.A. Doctor that says I’ve had Amnias for 30 plus years, he’s the one that told me I should put in a claim. A private Doctor. That says the same thing. The Tests show I’ve had brain damage to the right front temperal lobe of my brain. The VA just wants more letters saying they ,( saw, know of, heard of, saw me after, anything will help ). I’m losing my train of thought. Thanks Marines and sailors. AL

Posted : 2006-08-29 09:45