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Looking for anyone who knew S. E. McDaniel 1Lt. USMC pilot

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If you knew this Marine Pilot his sister would like to hear from you. Her email is posted below.
Semper Fi, Dave Horne

From: GENEMOM@aol.com [mailto:GENEMOM@aol.com]
Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2006 3:32 PM
To: top@wamarinesmc.us
Subject: S. E. McDaniel 1Lt. USMC pilot

I have just received some of my brothers service papers. He was with the 1st MAW.

His overseas duty was from 20 June 1961 to 26 July 1962. Is there any one who might be able to fill me in on what was going on over there during that time period. I never had the opportunity to talk with him after he got out of service. He went to work with Petroleum Helicopter Company, out of Louisiana, and was sent to Columbia, South America where he was killed in a helicopter accident July 19, 1964 at the age of 28 years. It was very hard for me to accept his death, he was like a son instead of a brother as he had lived with me during his high school years.

I am just trying to fill in some information into my family history and it would be most appreciated if I could possibly hear from someone who might have flown with him during his overseas duty. "Mac's" last duty assignment was H&MS-16, MAG-16 , 1st MAW as a Sqdn pilot.

Thank you so very much,

Lettie Mae Lee

Lake Wales, Florida

Posted : 2006-02-24 01:00