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Looking for anyone who knew...

2 Posts
2 Users
Posts: 42
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I am looking for anyone who knew Raymond I. Graves. I had the honor to serve with this Marine in 1982, he was my NCOIC when I worked at the H&MS-26 Paraloft. He did not talk to much about his Viet Nam service. I believe,from the little he told us, he was in VMO-3, possibly VMO-6. He was a gunner on the UH-1E Huey. He had "Georgia Pines" on his helmet visor. He was from Atlanta and when his tour was finished he was Transferred to MARTD Atlanta.He did not talk much about his Viet Nam service. I have lost contact with him and the last time I saw him he was a MGYSGT at H&MS-29 and it was at the Al Jubayl Airfield, in Saudi Arabia during Desert Storm. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Chris Breaux, CH-53D and UH-1N Crewchief, 80-95. Semper Fi.


UH-1N and CH-53D


Posted : 2004-02-26 11:31
Posts: 4
New Member

R.F. Graves

According the the VMO-6 1968-69 cruise book and a less accurate memory, Raymond Graves worked in the VMO-6 Paraloft. Don't know about his flying. If memory serves, he was a weight lifter. Hope this helps.

Bob Hughes

Posted : 2004-03-13 11:40