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Looking for 7011s from MAG-12, MABS-12

1 Posts
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Posts: 550
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Posted for David Prendergast prendergast@foggy.net

Re Visions Photo 3577:

We were stantioned at MAG-12 Chu Lai from March, 1965 to February 1970 with the airfield arresting gear and the only combat deployed land based catapult ever installed on a Short Airfield For Tactical Support in Marine Corps history. Members of MOS 7011 landed on the beach, and in no small way, Chu Lai was built for our application of the Catapult. Big question was-Would It Work? Hell yes!! Launched hundreds of A-4s and a few F-4s. Arrested well over 40,000 aircraft, nearly 20,000 the first few months of operation. We have located and made contact with hundreds of the 7011s who served with MAG-12, MABS-12 Launch & Recoverey Section. We get together every year and invite anyone who wants to reconnect to join us. Check out our web site for a list of all the 7011s who served in Vietnam. www.sats-eaf.org Semper Fi. David Prendergast 01/67 to 02/68 Remeber to 01/68 TET bomb dump explosion WOW!!

Posted : 2007-01-24 15:54