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Last Men Out
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Last Men Out

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Tom Clavin asked to post

Bob Drury and Tom Clavin, authors of "THE LAST STAND OF FOX COMPANY: A True Story of U.S. Marines In Combat," are now working on a book titled "LAST MEN OUT" about the last 24 hours in Saigon on April 30, 1975.
Anyone who flew missions during the last few days of that April who are willing to be interviewed can contact
Drury at rfxdrury@aol.com or
Clavin at hondo7@optonline.net.

Posted : 2009-06-10 20:44
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Tom Holben

Received following request today

Bob Drury and I have begun the process of interviewing Marines and others who were involved in events in Saigon on April 30, 1975. In fact, Bob just returned yesterday from California, where he spent time with John Valdez, Mike Sullivan, and Doug Potratz. A couple of people have mentioned that we should talk to Tom Holben, who we're told piloted the helicopter that picked up Valdez & Co. off the Embassy roof. Do you have contact info for him, or can you pass along mine? Thank you.
Tom Clavin

Posted : 2009-09-10 16:55
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I was under the impression that Gerry Berry flew the Ambasador off the roof of the embassy.

Posted : 2009-09-10 19:52
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last men out

i agree with larry, think it was berry whom was the pilot (hac)--don't know about co-pilot

Posted : 2009-09-10 19:57
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Dennis- didn't edit your post- hit the wrong button when approving

Agree with Gerry Berry flying the ambasador out - who I believe was Graham Martin.
Tom Clavin and Bob Drury are looking for Tom Holben who flew MSgt JJ Valdez, SNCOIC American Embassy out.

Now that we cleared that up- anyone know whereabouts of Tom Holben?? 🙂

Posted : 2009-09-10 21:29
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Last Plane Out

I believe the last plane out was a 164 aircraft that took out the MSG the next day.

Posted : 2009-09-11 17:25
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Evacuation pilot

We had a pilot in my MCR squadron by the name of Kenny McPhee who was one of the 53 evacuation pilots (HAC) Last I heard, McPhee was an attorney in western, MA. Don't know if he is still alive as he was rid'n himself pretty hard 20 odd years ago. You could check the Massachusetts Bar Assoc. They have the status of all attorneys.

Posted : 2009-09-11 22:01
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Last Men Out

Re: The latest posting about "Last Men Out'

Capt. Gerry Berry from HMM-165 did in fact extract Ambassador Graham form the Embassy that morning. However, it was a different squadron, crew and CH-46 that were directed back to the Embassy well over an hour later to rescue the Marine Security Guards left behind on the rooftop. In all of the choas, exhaustion and excitenent following Graham's extraction, those Embassy Marines were "temporarily over looked". Once the realization set in that there were still Marines on the rooftop, a CH-46 from HMM-164 received the mission and was directed to the Embassy.
The crew: Pilot: Capt. Tom Holden. Co-pilot: Capt. Steve Cook (I think) and the Crew Chief: SSgt. Larry Woods.
In all of the conversations over the years regarding that historic airlift, little is mentioned about that particular CH-46 crew, thus leading to some erroneous assumptions.

Posted : 2009-09-13 10:24
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Last Men Out

I believe Chris Woods was the Crew Chief, not sure of his rank.

Posted : 2009-09-14 16:42
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Last Men Out

Hello All,

Chic is correct. Tom Holden was the pilot and Doug Cook was the copilot. However, let me add that Stan Hughes was the left gunner and I, Chris Woods was the crew chief and the right gunner on Swift 2-2. Both Stan and I were Sergeants at the time.

I spoke with Tom Holden probably 10 years ago. I will look in my files to see if I can find some contact info. IRT Doug Cook, I have had no contact with him.

Stan Hughes lives in Alaska. I will pass on the info and he can contact if he chooses.

John Valdez has contacted me on this subject.

I will contact Bob Drury and Tom Clavin and offer any assistance I can.

There is also another story to be told. YT-14 crashed starboard side of the USS Hancock at approximately 2330 on 29 April. Capt Nystil (sp) and Lt Shea went down with the aircraft. Crew Chief Cpl Steve Wills and his gunner survived the impact. One of HMM-164s Phroggs (YT-07, I think) executed a night water landing to rescue Wills and his gunner.

I will pass the word to Steve Wills.

Posted : 2009-09-14 20:43