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James Robert Smith
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James Robert Smith

2 Posts
1 Users
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gary Thewlis
Date: Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 16:02

I am seeking a veteran named James Robert Smith in conjunction with activity through the Family Contacts Committee. Other than his name the available data is that he served in the Viet Nam war as a helicopter pilot, lived in Indonesia after the war and worked there for Derazona, and moved to Singapore in 1977.

The VHPA directory offers two possibles, neither listed as active members, one an Army veteran and the other a Marine. I have snail mailed the listed addresses without a lot of confidence.

If anyone knows this gentleman or has any leads I would appreciate knowing about it. Email me at: fccontac@comcast.net

And if anyone with access to other possible veteran's email lists could forward this on I would appreciate that as well.

Thank you,

Posted : 2009-11-15 10:07
Posts: 0
New Member

J. R. Smith

Checked my files and have only 2 persons and they probably don't fit the profile;
James R. Smith Colonel retired 12-1989 died 9-1995 listed in the "Semper Fidelis"
James Robert Smith Cpl served with K-3/26 KIA 9-10-1967 lived in Adair, Oklahoma

Posted : 2009-11-15 15:37