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Info. about HMM-164 Desert Storm

1 Posts
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Posts: 6
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My Brother MSgt Mark Soemer was on a float, I believe the USS Okinawa, for Desert storm as part of the HMLA-267 which was broken up into the HMM-164. I have letters from him during that time frame that even have the APO stamp on them. However, he passed away last year and due to a theft I did not have his USMC records. The Marine Corps DD214 that I couldn't even get until 11 mos. after his burial does not reflect any service abroad at all!
I am trying to find any information to veryify his service other than the one sheet they sent me.
I can not believe they can sum up 23 years of service in one page and tell me they can find no other records or files.

I would like to at least put Desert Storm on his headstone at Arlington. He served during Viet Nam in the early 70's too but they told me since he was stateside that I couldn't have that put on it either.

Oh, he also lived in the Camp Pendleton/Oceanside, CA area for many years, including about 5 years after his retirement. He also spent about 9 years stationed in New Orleans, LA besides the many years he was stationed at Camp Pendleton. He was born in 1951 so he was only 54 when he died in Aug. of 2006 in Oceanside, CA.

Thank you

Posted : 2008-01-02 13:33